My new game PartyTouch.

edited in Projects


I have just released my latest game on the IOS app store. It is free till monday. I would really appreciate it if you can give me an honest opinion of my game. What works what doesnt work etc. Where can I improve.

Thanks for all the feddback


  • I just downloaded it, I'll give it a play this evening.
  • I keep having connection problems with the App Store on my phone... Meh :(
  • I'll get it too. I might be able to give you tips, seems like a day in Pretoria :P
  • I played it last night and I'm a big fan of memory games. It needs more juice though, like animating the girls and bringing the background to life but well done!

    I don't see what the items do for you though?

    My only annoyance was playing the first few levels and having to go through the tutorial every time. There should be an option to say I've read this tutorial and not to show it again and then, in the options, another option to turn them back on.
  • Thanks Fengol for the feedback. Ill definately use your suggestions for the next update. The items gives you more money at the end of each level and also it increase your progress on the progress screen. Will definately add a tutorial window on the shopscreen as well.

    Thanks again for the valuable feedback
  • @codeRooster, I think you should show the bonus you get from the items separately in your score then. i.e. show the score and when it's finished clocking up so the item and add to the score again.
  • @Fengol. That is actually a very good idea and quite easy to implement. Thanks.
  • @Fengol. What is your opinion of the level types. Everyone seems to like the yellow levels the best, never mentions the green levels and some mentioned that they don't get the pink levels. I'm maybe thinking of replacing the pink level with something else.
  • @Fengol. That is actually a very good idea and quite easy to implement. Thanks.
    You need to show players and not just tell them.

    I can't remember which games are which, I'll have to play again and tell you. One thing that was annoying was having to click on a node to see which parties I could go to. I think rather than the player clicking on them, disable them and draw lines of the path the player will take as he earns cash, then they can see they're hopping countries at a certain time and not clicking around trying to find information.
  • Ok I think I understand. So you would like to see a path drawn through all the nodes to show future progression ? Kinda like what they do on the candy crush map ?
  • Downloading it now :D
  • @Kevin thanks man, hope you like it.

    Got a few ratings as well. (Good and bad) Got a one star rating calling the game cheesy. So ive decided to yank you the pink levels and add a barfight level where people come at you from both sides and you need to tap them rapidly, one their hit points are 0 the explode in a blood cloud. So hopefully this will help removing the cheese.

    @Fengol, im busy implementing those sugestions of yours, it really helps.... thanks
  • @codeRooster: Don't overreact to negative comments. Especially negative comments that don't have reasons for why people felt the way they did. Maybe cheesy is right for the game? I certainly feel like a bar fight is really not what your game's looks are going for - especially not clouds of blood.
  • I don't think a bar fight is in keeping with the rest of the theme of the game. You've got various mechanics, some better than others, so you need to spend some time figuring out how to make the more dull mechanics interesting.

    On a side note, please add the option to turn off the music/sounds.

    From what I've unlocked so far you've got 3 mini-games:
    • Yellow game - The "Simon Says" memory game
    • Pink game - Some weird match thing that I don't get
    • Green game - Speed tap game
    There's nothing wrong with this game type that juice can't fix. You've got colour and sound indicating the sequence and you even allow the player to repeat the sequence before they start.

    I actually just don't get the pink game. The first level is too simple and isn't exciting but in the next there are 2 girls and it's not explained that they can't be at the same location and I don't know what to do when they do want the same thing. I think this game needs to be re-designed. What about a classic card match pair game?

    The green game could benefit from a timer to show how much time the player has left instead of it just ending and getting a score. I haven't gotten far enough to see how you increase the difficulty beyond shorting the time to tap a button but you could also add more buttons that the player must tap on. Another note is that when randomizing the next drink/girl make it so it cannot be the same drink and girl as the last tap. Sometimes it gets "stuck" on a girl with the same drink and I think I can just tap madly but then I also wonder if the game is broken.

    From the homepage there's the Popular star which bounces occasionally but tapping on it takes me to a screen which I'm not sure does anything other than show my progress?
  • @dislekcia thanks man, I think ill stick to the original theme and just improve the gameplay like @fengol said.

    @fengol thanks for the input. Yes the pink game I think needs some rework. The green game does have more buttons as the level increases. The timer and randomization is a good idea, thanks. At the moment the Popular star is just there to indicate progress.
  • If you're in JHB or CT you should come to the community nights and show off your game. You'll get lots of good feedback from the developers and artists there.
  • @fengol , thats is actually a good idea. Where can I get details on the community nights
  • Right here on the forums or join Meetup Cape Town or Meetup Johannesburg to get notified of events.
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