Personally I think the current colours are too saturated and tend towards sharky (a colour somewhere between shit and karki) and I think having more pastel variants would be an improvement. Does that make more sense?
And why doesn't this faceless committee publicly voice their opinions here?
<sarcasm>I AM the committee! I speak with the voice of many and of ultimate authority. Do not look behind the curtain and obey my every command!</sarcasm>
Fixing up the forum and the site is @Fengol's responsibility, so he asks the committee for feedback, but his actions based on that feedback are up to him and his judgement in the situation. Having seemingly "contrary" posts by the committee members on this thread wouldn't help much and only undermine @Fengol's decision-making authority, which is obviously not what anyone on the committee wants to do :)
What I've done now is made all the category label text colours dark - instead of the white they are now, so that we can do more pastel stuff without the text disappearing.
@Fengol, could you put back the 12 hour times? It's quite difficult to read now that it's "10:10 10 Oct" wihthout the am / pm to break up the digits...
I'm also for the 12 hour clock, but adding a dash would probably sort it. It's a pitty Vanilla doesnt support configuring these small things on a per-user basis.
Your blocks of shade are borderline invisible on my screen - can hardly tell they are there.
@Fengol, I was going to wait until we'd fought it out over the colours before handing over the theme. Do you not want to get a consensus for those first?
Yeah. We will get there eventually :) headers not the place for promotion, we wanna promote on the front page, where newcomers will see. But ya, eventually :p
Any word on the fav icon? That should be a quick easy insertion :)
@Fengol I think the easiest is to just overwrite the /themes/fluid/design/favicon.png file inside the Fluid theme. @Tuism could you supply it as a .png?
@Fengol, I just modified custom.css, the mobile custom.css and body_bg.png - thats it, so you can pretty much just overwrite those three files, plus the favicon and bob's your uncle.
Okay I'll try one last time with saturated colours.
Now dont look at the colours of the category list. Look at the main thread list and pay attention to how each colour sits in amongst the others, but is still uniquely identifiable - at a quick scroll through, you can pick out individual categories quite easily.
Does anybody else think that the rows for each thread on the discussions page are really tall? Compared to how it used to be you can see very few threads on a single screen =/ (or am I the only person bothered by this?)
I kiiiiiiind of agree that the columns (I think you mean columns?) are getting a bit too tall, but I'm not sure that's the *actual* problem... Something does bug me.
See if you guys agree:
The whole thing feels a bit floaty... That means each piece of the conversation doesn't feel punctuated and seperate enough from one another. Yes I know they're in their own blocks, but it feels difficult to jump from one piece of the conversation to the next easily. I think there's a bit of over-prominence of the usernames/icons... If we can make the icons and names a bit less heavy, and maybe indent the content of the converstaion a bit more.
Edit: Or maybe not
Edit Again: Some editing goes a long way
Though "weird" is such useful and concise feedback I find it incredibly odd that I don't understand what it means :P
And why doesnt this faceless committee publicly voice their opinions here?
Just saying :P
What I've done now is made all the category label text colours dark - instead of the white they are now, so that we can do more pastel stuff without the text disappearing.
Control+F5 didn't get me new colours, I'm guessing you haven't updated it online yet?
I'm not sure of how desaturated it looks, so I made another option with more bolder pastels which I quite like:
Much of a muchness.
What say "the committee" :P
Here are the colours I was thinking of
Please can I get the themes?
How about 10h10 - 10 October 2013
It's a pitty Vanilla doesnt support configuring these small things on a per-user basis.
Your blocks of shade are borderline invisible on my screen - can hardly tell they are there.
This Quote feature is teh awesome.
In cases of the colours being too faded what about just saturating them more? I also picked some more vibrant colours
Okay I'll try one last time with saturated colours.
I will also do some saturation and post for comment
And mixed and matched until I found something I actually like very much.
Now dont look at the colours of the category list. Look at the main thread list and pay attention to how each colour sits in amongst the others, but is still uniquely identifiable - at a quick scroll through, you can pick out individual categories quite easily.
And as for favicon, I posted it last page too:
@Fengol, sending you the files now.
See if you guys agree:
The whole thing feels a bit floaty... That means each piece of the conversation doesn't feel punctuated and seperate enough from one another. Yes I know they're in their own blocks, but it feels difficult to jump from one piece of the conversation to the next easily. I think there's a bit of over-prominence of the usernames/icons... If we can make the icons and names a bit less heavy, and maybe indent the content of the converstaion a bit more.
I'll put together a mockup later :)
My notification of new posts in a discussion isn't coming up. Am I doing it wrong?