@hermantulleken - thank you sooo much for giving it a go. Lights are something I can (and will) fix. It's weird, because on my work monitor it's also way too dark (so some orange walls seem red), but on my monitor at home it is all bright coloured. The floor and roof mazes are in the pipeline. I am working on another physics puzzler and my idea is to incorporate my E comp entry as a level in that. Thanks again.
@FanieG Played it a few times till I got to the portal, liked the ending :), I like the increasingly stronger enemies that make you waste allot of time to kill them.
Don't know if it has been mentioned but if you do fail due to time and press p to restart the message stays there when you restart. have to press p again to restart again and then it goes away. The brightness on my laptop was fine. The mouse sensitivity is very high (This is me just being finicky though).
I love the inclusion of the special powers. It adds a cool dimension. I also only looked up quite far into the game and lost valuable time looking into the sky! ;) I feel like I only got to the green flying spheres by luck though, and on my second attempt I got frustrated that I couldnt get back there. Now that I've read about the changing colours I'll give it another go, but playing blindly I really struggled to navigate. Good work though!
@LittleBear - Glad to hear someone made it to the portal :) I will try and implement a mouse sensitivity adjuster for the final build, but with work at the moment i'm not making any promises (Damn I hate Nov/Dec in retail!!!!). I also picked up the double P to restart issue. Will fix if I get time. Thanks for playing.
@jsgbailey - Yes, please try again using the special powers on the walls (Left Shift), should make it considerably easier to navigate the maze. Thanks for playing and for taking time to give a comment - much appreciated.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/187819585/E Comp ver 6.1/E Comp ver 6.1.html
(It would also be cool to have a 3D maze with floors and roofs also playing into the special powers idea.)
Don't know if it has been mentioned but if you do fail due to time and press p to restart the message stays there when you restart. have to press p again to restart again and then it goes away.
The brightness on my laptop was fine.
The mouse sensitivity is very high (This is me just being finicky though).
Like the game, looks cool and plays well!
@jsgbailey - Yes, please try again using the special powers on the walls (Left Shift), should make it considerably easier to navigate the maze. Thanks for playing and for taking time to give a comment - much appreciated.