E: Epic View Space Fighter

edited in Online Competitions & Jams
I want to make an on-rails shooter that takes you zooming around capital ships and into the heart of battles.

Web Build

Very much inspired by the Atari Star Wars arcade game
Thanked by 1duncanbellsa


  • Oh man. Something like Star Wars: Rebel Assault or Starfox or the rail-fighter minigame in Anachronox - that could be great fun. It'd be fairly easy to implement, but it'll likely require a fair bit of content work to fill five minutes with interesting fun. I look forward to seeing stuff!
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    I spent last night working on pathing until I discovered iTween which does a whole lot of stuff for you!

    I have a toy on the first post where the camera flies around.
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    Is that basically done with free Unity + that iTween plugin?
  • @Tuism, as far as I can tell yes, and there is a free version of iTween too.
  • @Fengol - This has so much potential. How exactly does iTween work, i've never heard of it before?

  • Awesome! Thats pretty much your camera sorted right there!
  • @FanieG, [url = http://u3d.as/content/pixelplacement/i-tween/1s9]iTween[/url] is a [url = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inbetweening]tweening[/url] library that allows you to easily add tweening effects to game objects. It allows you to apply [url = http://easings.net/]tweening curves[/url] to game objects.

    Example Usage:

    That piece of code will move the object from it's current position to the world position (2,0,0) in 2 seconds, using the default tweening curve(which I think is a linear tween).
  • @Nitrogen, pretty much as Rigormortis described it. It's one line of code.

    I got a lot to do this weekend in terms of adding actual gameplay, content and juice but yeah... camera work basically done! I've a happy panda!

    I got to figure out how to do dust particles to help show that you're moving through space
  • Don't you just spray some particles (by code I imagine) around the path and it'll move itself as the camera moves? You can also have them more or less visible according to their distance from the camera so they fade in. Or just have code that generates particles in front of the view.

    Man. Gotta install Unity.
  • Fengol said:
    I've a happy panda!
    Cool man, bring it to the next meetup...then we can pet it and stuff. :P
  • I'm looking for a concept artist who can help me design the cockpit view, enemy ships, and enemy and friendly capital ships.

    All the tutorials I've watched on modelling start off concept art but I'm not a competent drawer. If any artist is interested/available please shout.
  • draw blocks! XD
  • Hi, sent you a pm about art :-)
  • I'm still working on this project. There's no update because I have nothing to show as I've been messing around with some shader stuff and then trying to get the targeting reticle to work properly.
  • This is making me think of the space combat of Star Wars The Old Republic.
    If you make this, it is going to be a ton of fun.

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    My favourite flight sim was TIE Fighter (I never believed in the rebel cause) and I hope to recreate some of that magic but on-rails.

    640 x 480 - 67K
  • My favourite was Strike Commander, but I've ALWAYS yearned to play Elite. Read tons about it but never played it. OMG they're showing age :)

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    You know they're making a new Elite right? Elite: Dangerous http://elite.frontier.co.uk/

    This was the video that inspired me to make the comp entry
    Thanked by 1iceblademush
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    So much Star Wars Love - you guys are making me tear up.

    Also Rebel Assault was AWESOME!!
  • Yeah I know Dangerous is coming :) Pretty excited, especially since I missed the whole Elite thing the first time around. Though I'm a biiiiit skeptical that it seems to be all about the gfx. Haven't seen any deep planet exploration yet - the whole thing about Elite was that you could see a pixel as a star in the distance, lock onto it, and fly to it, enter its system, land on a planet in that system :)

    Want more of THAT :)
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    This is what i thought of when you posted your competition entry. It was an awesome experience , i remember the base (sound) in the cabinet when you played and you felt every lazer blast.
  • Fengol said:
    My favourite flight sim was TIE Fighter......
    Thanked by 1dislekcia
  • @iceblademush Starblade is exactly the game I want to make!
  • A minor update on the first post, no code or gameplay to show off yet, but there's a new skybox and models done by @iceblademush
  • Those models look really cool, especially the small fighters. The skybox is nice, but there is a very visible seam as soon as you round the destroyer (the green/yellow space bit). Not really an issue though (not like I would be able do any better). Now give us a playable please.
  • During my lunchbreak I upgraded to the Unity Pro trial license and added bloom post-process effect. Checkout the first page for link.
  • I'm very sorry to everyone especially @iceblademush but I just don't have the energy or patience to push through with this project; and I'm bowing out of the competition.
  • @Fengol - please revisit this when life allows it i.e. when you do have the energy and patience to complete it. I thought this was a really cool idea and would really one day like to play it.
    Thanked by 2iceblademush Fengol
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