'zX' 8-Way Blasting Mayhem by retroFuture

edited in General
Greetings fellow gamedevs. I'd like to hereby officially post snapshots of my soon to be completed maiden game: 'zX'. It can best be described as an 8-way scrolling shmup with flavors of Gamma Bros (Pixeljam), Herocore (Daniel Remar), Gunstar Heroes (Treasure), Bangai-O (Treasure) and Radiant Silvergun (Treasure... again :)). A fair amount of development remains, but the end is in sight. I will inform you all the moment I have a playable demo for those who are interested in playtesting. Here are screenshots of the current build. A gameplay video should be available and posted by the end of the week as part of my EPK.
640 x 393 - 48K
640 x 393 - 45K
640 x 393 - 31K
640 x 393 - 46K
640 x 393 - 39K
640 x 393 - 55K
640 x 393 - 105K
Thanked by 1edg3


  • Sounds AWESOME :D I've always thought Treasure was one of THE best teams ever for bringing Gunstar Heroes to life :) Having them as influence is definitely in your favour :)

    Platform? :P
  • It's gonna be PC for now. I'll wait and see how that goes then see which other platforms are viable. Ever since I discovered Treasure... they have inspired me.
  • I totally fell in love with the hybrid weapon system of Gunstar Heroes. It was pure magic. Still got alot of refining to do on my system, but some of the combinations are cool.
  • edited
    Having Treasure as human being is definitely in humanity's favour.

    Super keen to play this! It's extra glowy now!

    Also: Unfinished builds are good for testing in communities. Just let people know what you're still working on and let them tell you what they think. Add those things (even if they were things you planned on adding anyway) and you'll have lifelong fans.

    Obviously if the game is in a broken state then don't go spreading it. But otherwise the more feedback the better.
  • The glows!

    Must play this! When?
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