c# course for unity

edited in General
So this is aimed at all those South African wannabe unity programmers.

I have managed to arrange a special part-time course with Learn3D http://learn3d.co.za/

This course will run over 5 weeks and is a once off deal, what I mean by this is that it is going to be a small class of at the most 4 people (myself included) and will cost R6000 in total, which is obviously to be payed to learn3D.

If anyone is interested just PM or email me on mikdar.gamedev@gmail.com and I will put you in touch with the learn3D Representative that is arranging this with me.
Ps. The classes will in JHB and in the institutions buildings, with classes twice a week for 5 weeks from 17:30 - 20:30.


  • Wonderful! Can I post this to my students?
  • More than welcome to :)
  • What level of skill is needed to join here?
  • dame i would love to do this if i had the money :( iv been nagging them to do partime game dev courses for months :P
  • What S.A. needs are correspondence courses for Game Dev. There are a lot of people living outside of the metropolitan areas that have the money for these courses but no way to attend due to their geographical location.
  • @FanieG: There are loads of correspondence courses that focus on game development. They don't seem to make much difference... I would argue that the biggest thing that helps is the attitude change that we try to push here: You want to make games? Cool, start making them!
  • It can be daunting to just start. I wandered to learn3d today at rAge hoping to get more information on a course, because structure makes sense. Pay to learn. But the attitude to just start makes sense.

    Depends on what you want to achieve and what you put in I guess.

    Still, what level of experience is needed to join this course?
  • @dislekcia - I total agree with the mindset, but formal training couldn't hurt. Did you not study some? I have been learning from whatever sources I can find. Online tutorials, books, this forum etc. but I would love to do some formal training like this (C# and unity). But again, I totally agree that the first step should be to just START. My first post on this site was a game (not a good game, but a game no less), which came from the attitude of I should start making a game. So, I don't think I would stop learning from wherever and however I can, I would just like the same opportunities as the bigger city dwellers :) If I was interested in a correspondence course, which would you suggest?
  • Sorry about the late reply, he nag lan was a killer :P

    This course will run from a bigginer level and that will probably only take 3 or so hours, however because the class will be so small we will move at a pace that suits each individual. If you need any more info feel free to comment, pm or drop me a good old email.

    And I spoke to the lecturer for this course and he is awfully excited, he has wanted to do a course like this for a long time. So So a lot of interest means it could become a regular thing.
  • Who's the lecturer?
  • I'm pretty sure it is Werner Scaife
  • I have the preliminary dates, the course will run from the 5th of November to the 5th of December, if anyone has any questions feel free to contact me, also please could you let me know if will be attending so I can give numbers to Gustavo.
  • Okay Okay so the final dates for the course will be from 12th November to 12th December, please email me if you are interested so I can put you in touch with Gustavo.
  • If you don't mind me asking, can someone please explain to me the difference between jscript and C# for working in Unity?

    I am at the very beginning of learning how to use Unity and still going through the basic interface tutorials, so I should be getting to the first parts of making a little game shortly. But I am sure I'll only use jscript. I have a fair bit of background knowledge from school and also varsity, but I've only ever used C# to make a little Sony PSP executable love letter for my girlfriend :P

    Would one use jscript and C# in one game? Examples?

    Thanks for the help
  • edited
    Yes, it's possible to have both UnityScript and C# in a single project.

    Unity3D runs on Mono (a .NET platform) for all its platforms. It converts the Javascript to C#, so if you wanted to go forward with coding aspect it's probably best to switch to C#.

    If I remember correctly, it loads the UnityScript first before C# so you can get compilation errors if there are duplicate class names, etc.
  • Hectic. Thanks for the insight @Fengol. Just playing around in the Unity API last night, C# looks a lot different to the jscipt I'm use to, but I'm sure nothing I can't pick up.

    I'll carry on figuring out Unity and move onto C# when I've done more.

    Pity I can't attend this. Exam time is just no fun :|
  • Sorry Ricky I really tried to make it after exams. :) although I'm hoping if there is enough interest that it could become a regular course that they run.
  • No worries. If there is a future course and I'm sure there'll be interest I'll join in
  • What does the course cover?
  • It covers c# from a bigginer level to advanced, if you pm your email address I can put you in touch with Gustavo and he can give you a more intricate breakdown

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