[Indie Speed Run] Artist needed
I really want to try out Indie Speed Run this weekend 27-29 Sep. I am a programmer and will be using Unity 3D.
Due to the time constraint it would really help if I could find an artist willing to stick it out with me. I will pay the entry fee of course. I am based in PTA but I guess some sort of Skype arrangement would also work. With the artist it will be a 2 man team.
Just thought I would put it out there if there is maybe an artist in the opposite position.
I really want to try out Indie Speed Run this weekend 27-29 Sep. I am a programmer and will be using Unity 3D.
Due to the time constraint it would really help if I could find an artist willing to stick it out with me. I will pay the entry fee of course. I am based in PTA but I guess some sort of Skype arrangement would also work. With the artist it will be a 2 man team.
Just thought I would put it out there if there is maybe an artist in the opposite position.
I don't know unity itself, but I'm certain I can create assets for you, what all do you expect to need?
This will be like a joint venture though so in terms of designing the game and so on. Also it will have to be from the heart as I cannot pay for art in a game jam. I will still cover the entry fee.
Is that all cool? Do you have the time for all that?
Enjoy it man!
ok, yeah. I'm in if you'll have me :)
So lets make it happen. I will be in contact.