@BlackShipsFilltheSky I originally meant good old punching, but kicking and throwing sound like pretty good ideas now that I think about it. I'll stick to punching though
I MADE IT. For just a sweet minute I was on the stream. Oh yes. Playing Broforce in front of an international audience. I would do that more, but I can't record Unity stuff. :D
Like punching and kicking and throwing? Like a brawler?
Sounds cool, Chip n dale NES was one of my favourite games as a child (where the main gameplay mechanic was throwing boxes and hiding in them). But it wouldn't be very useful in this game, because you can just one shot kill everything anyway.
It could be fun though, throwing pots at enemies, or even throwing enemies at each other. : P Adding more choice to the players. Shoot them? Well duh. Knife them? Sure. Roll a barrel off a ledge/launch a propane tank and kill a bunch of unsuspecting enemies? OF COURSE. Throwing enemies at dogs running at you? YES!
AND ADD DAMSELS THAT YOU CAN PICK UP AND THROW T-- oh sorry, this wasn't spelunky. BUT STILL DO IT. If you want to. (YES.)
Hey, so I had an idea. Again. I'm sorry. So this idea would link something I know you have planned with something lots of people have been asking for. What I'm refering to are mini/side games and video game bros. So my idea is that, perhaps, that the unlocking of video game based bros could be seperate from the other bros. I'm thinking that these bros could be unlocked by reaching a certain checkpoint or completing all of the minigame challenges. For instance, taking some ideas from the stream yesterday (one of these ideas also being mine), perhaps beating the jungle seagull skeet shoot could earn you Duke Nukem, doing especially well in the flexing competition could earn you someone especially muscly, like Guile, or if you beat the Donkey Kong mock up that someone (not me, but I have some ideas about it) suggested, you'd get- No. Not Mario. No, you'd get a reformed villain. And yes, this entire idea was built around me wanting to make a character pitch. :D
Bronkey Kong, Bro Kong, I don't know Main attack: I'm thinking either a strong punch or something that might be better, differentiating him from Blade, currently the only melee character, a ground smash that hurts enemies near him and launches them a bit into the air. Not sure if 1 or 2 hit kills would be better, but I'm thinking 2 or 3 hits could destroy the 3 or 4 blocks on the top layer below him. Special: I have a few options for this one. First one, which itself has 2 variations, he rolls a barrel forward that flattens enemies and explodes on contact with a heavy or wall. Another variation, rolls the barrel, first enemy he hits, it explodes and launches napalm in that direction, hitting more enemies. I prefer the first one, but I was requested to suggest both. This would be a standard 3 load special attack. Second (well, third) variation, instead of being able to just HAVE barrels, his special could be picking up enemies and barrels and throwing them. Not sure if it should be barrel specific or not, because that might allow for rolling, so that you don't throw a barrel, hit the ceiling, and blow yourself up. If it was barrels and mooks, then perhaps attempting to pick up heavies could just result in a throw/push/flip rather than actually picking it up.
I'm sorry if I make too many suggestions. I love this game and have a lot of ideas I think would be cool. I'd love to hear back about what people think about this idea, and of course from the devs about whether or not any of this fits their vision or is practical.
Ade said:
It could be fun though, throwing pots at enemies, or even throwing enemies at each other. : P Adding more choice to the players. Shoot them? Well duh. Knife them? Sure. Roll a barrel off a ledge/launch a propane tank and kill a bunch of unsuspecting enemies? OF COURSE. Throwing enemies at dogs running at you? YES!
I hope my second special attack suggestion is to your liking. The throwing one, that is.
Although I'm sure I must be repeating one of these, here are various articles I found on some smaller blogs and websites from various regions and in several languages.
Great new build. You might want to introduce both the concept of land mines and airstrikes a bit more gradually, though. Also, sometimes the menu did something other than what I wanted it to do. For instance, originally sometimes when I was trying to click on setup keys, it started the game. May have been something I was doing wrong, just thought I'd mention it.
Also, sometimes the menu did something other than what I wanted it to do. For instance, originally sometimes when I was trying to click on setup keys, it started the game.
The menu actually works identically to how it used to, it just looks different. If you can give me exact steps to reproduce that it'd be great. I'll have a look and see if I can find anything
Great new build. You might want to introduce both the concept of land mines and airstrikes a bit more gradually, though
Yeah... There were things we were trying to do to smooth it in, but we ran out of time : ( ...I'm a bit afraid that it might be very unpleasant for a new player...
EpicFailNot said:
The new build has an awesome menu. However, why is the Hadron collider moonwalk taken out?
We're trying out the sprint. It's nice to have glitches that allow weird things to happen, but the moonwalk only worked on keyboard and was way too easy. It wasn't a good glitch exploit.
The menu actually works identically to how it used to, it just looks different. If you can give me exact steps to reproduce that it'd be great. I'll have a look and see if I can find anything
Yeah, so, I was trying to recreate the problem, and I broke the menu... But I think what happened is I pressed enter on set keys, and I accidentally set enter as up, then I pressed escape to exit out of that. I believe it saved enter as up and kept the rest of the controls how they were previously set. So when I pressed enter to try again, it went up and chose the continue option. But as for how I broke the menu, I tried to recreate it, except I used z instead of enter to see what happened with that. So that worked as I expected initially, opening continue when I wanted setup keys. Now, when it says press enter or x, I pressed z a couple times (just cuz), it cut to space, and then the menu, sans the Broforce logo, appeared behind the planet, the disclaimer, and the Enter or X message. I'd show it to you, but I don't seem to be able to printscreen unity stuff.
And depending on what I press the screen will go back to plain space then come back to the menu world combo.
Wowowowow, please stop being so good at making games, i can't even find words in my little vocabulary that would barely express my feelings about what you've done :D
Yeah, the menu is suuuuper cool and classy.There is perhaps too much of the red color. The new boss is way more difficult than the previous one ! Me and my brother succeeded to destroy him after a few tries... when we discovered that we were able to deal him damages during the little cutscene before the fight. The problem is that you have to be at close range to discover his attack pattern. But at close range... He kills you !! so maybe, widen a little bit the field of vision. But maybe you want the player to improvise, like a bro would do ? I would also suggest that in the level with airstrikes, you're alerted of it at the very beginning of the level, for example, the shadow of a plane in the background, or with an air raid alert :
I've seen some bugs, as always, but as we can't take screenshots ... anyway :p * When you have a bro with more than 3 specials (eg. Indiana Brones) and rescue a new one who has less, the HUD will show it as if you had 5 specials. Then when you use one special, it returns to normal and shows 2 specials left. * When we killed the mechaboss of the last level, little speech balloons appeared above our heads, with nothing in it. * A flying barrel.
And a suggestion from my brother : in timed level when there are about 30 seconds left, or in normal levels when you take more than 5 minutes or so to finish a level, paratroopers start falling from the sky. I would also suggest that you can unlock cages with the high-five button, which will not alert the mooks around. Oh that makes me think, on what is based the Stealth meter ? because i was the stealthiest possible bro in first level, nobody have seen me and i've only killed the little devil guy, and i was only ranked 4#.
Wow, this is starting to look really awesome! Err, awesome-r. Are you planning on releasing the finished version (Super Broforce?) later this year, or will it be 2014?
The sprint feels great, not too slow and not too fast, but I couldn't feel it with certain characters, such as Indiana. Does every character have sprint?
I got #1 brotality and #1 time on a few levels, what are they? Online leaderboards? They didn't always pop up though. What ARE brotality and stealth anyway? How do you get better ranks? The stealth meter felt a bit random.
The first boss was a lot harder than the last one, so I started digging a giant hole beneath it (hate to bring up spelunky again but same boss tactic :D), the boss didn't even attack me when I was below it. But it worked beautifully. :3
KUTGW, I can't wait to see this on Steam and buy it. :3
@Ade I think the sprint broke on Indianna : < ...Rambro is the only one who has "sprinting" frames. But we'll get the rest in soon.
And the stealth score isn't working very well. We've got to figure out how to calculate that properly.
@Douzeju I like those suggestions! Yeah, the air bombardment level really needs more context (specifically "watch out, this is going to mess you up!" which the air raid siren would help with).
Do you think the bombardment level is too difficult?
And is the early boss fight too difficult?
It's fairly easy to make it easier. And we can always save the hard difficulty levels for later in the game (when there is a later in the game)
@BlackShipsFilltheSky: How about take num of enemies. That = total of possible !'s. Then the more Enemies are alerted = less stealth score. Just a basic solution/suggestion. Also I think the bombardment level is too hard (not impossible) it's just too early ( leave it in just dum the amount of strikes down a bit [like in half] and make a later level with crazy amounts)
I think the first boss is too hard to kill the proper way (going underground and digging a huge hole beneath him is pretty easy but takes time). Maybe more warning signs when it's about to shoot will give players more time to get out of the way.
I didn't think the air strike level was TOO difficult, but maybe a bit too difficult so early on in the game.. A bit more time between the missiles and it's fine.
I noticed that when pressing RT on x360 controller, the player shoots AND uses the special attack at the same time.
Also a small suggestion concerning gamepads, would it be possible to add that you could move the camera with the right analog stick, like in Mark of the ninja?
EDIT: Nevermind, the first boss really is not that hard. I beat it on my first try easily now that I tried it again.
The miniboss was incredibly easy for me. I think I died once. Also, it sorta got stuck in a hole on its own about half way through the map, and I could kill it pretty easily from there.
In my opinion the air strike level is not too hard. You just have to be reactive ! The new boss level, yes, i do think so, too hard for now ^^ A little graphic bug also : sometimes, the red cross targets don't totally disappear.
Is the online build up to date ? i would like to play online with some friends :p
I find the final boss very easy to kill for a starter boss. First, shoot it when it spawn to kill his left leg then save some bros for more lives and chase the boss for the full kill. The main thing is you have to shoot near him and avoid his airstrikes by hiding below before it lands.
Some Suggestions (Edited): - It would be great if we could choose our characters or allow us to keep the current character when we save a bro for more lives. Currently, there are lots of bro to save very near each other and I haven't had enough fun with the current bro I'm using. Perhaps have another mode which allows you to use 1 character but it will be much harder and you only have 1-3 lives for the whole level.
- Timed survival mode similar to l4d probably with steam achievements
- Environments Underwater/Stealth levels Winter level - Slippery Ice platforms! Train level with moving carts similar to propane tank but without exploding (Jump at right time or fall to deadly pits) Jump Quest race/coop levels with tons of traps, Indiana Jones style (Spikes/Lava/Mortars/Timed Swinging Mace+Arrow Wall/Stationary+Blink Laser tripwires)
Just wondering if it's possible for players to have their own screen view for Online MP? For e.g., when my teammate drops down where I can't see him, allow him to have his own view to climb up instead of teleporting up and sharing the view with 4 players. With our own screen views, we could have more random fun like stealth kills, large battles or close, race without slow players teleporting/dying, attack/defend that spawn 2 players team at far left & right of map which provides more surprise battles or just fight in an area for ultimate explosions.
Just tried the multiplayer alpha and it lags with a ping of 400-1000. When i play other online games with the same people, the ping is much lesser. Could it be due to it being hosted on a remote server? Tried all the servers but came out with the same pings.
Allow us to host the game ourselves will probably solve the lag issue.
I think it's pretty interesting that all of us think that the bombardment level is too hard and the boss is fine while most of you say the boss is too hard and the bombardment is fine!
Just tried the multiplayer alpha and it lags with a ping of 400-1000. When i play other online games with the same people, the ping is much lesser. Could it be due to it being hosted on a remote server? Tried all the servers but came out with the same pings.
Yeah exactly, the remote server is the problem. I'd like to switch over to peer to peer framework at some point since the game isn't authoritative anyway, but it's a pretty massive refactor and will increase the games bandwidth (which is already too high)
harahyuna said:
Allow us to host the game ourselves will probably solve the lag issue.
just played through a complete run, here's my opinions.
first off, how is brotality/stealth measured and what is this "top 50!" business?
the miniboss is either really challenging (which is good), or WAY too easy. I got Brominator, activated his special and practically mopped it up in a few seconds. this means that either the miniboss is weak or Brominator is OP pls nerf! the airstrike level is ok as-is, but there should be a sort of warning. background rocket silhouettes for example. also, more humanoid enemies on the surface would be nice.
and lastly, i feel that the current final boss should have been much harder. i'm not saying it's not OK as-is, but it just feels easy. that aside it was fun and good luck to all of your future endeavors!
also, how do I sprint? or punch?
harahyuna said:
Allow us to host the game ourselves will probably solve the lag issue.
- It would be great if we could choose our characters or allow us to keep the current character when we save a bro for more lives.
How about when you rescue a bro, you keep the current bro but get an extra life (and when you die you start as him), but if you high-five the rescued bro it switches to it? And maybe high-fiveing the flagpoles (checkpoints) would switch bro's?
first off, how is brotality/stealth measured and what is this "top 50!" business?
We're still figuring out what the best way is to display scores (and even if it is a good idea to display them at all!). Both mean what you think they do but stealth is a bit broken. Top 50% means that your score was better than 50% of scores submitted for that level. A lot of this is subject to change.
I can, however, say that 22702 mooks have been killed in successfully completed levels on this particular build. Yeah!
So this game is now continuously connected to your servers ? I thought these scores were yours, devs, made before you released the build :p that a good think to know.
Played and finished the last release, and it was fun! - Mines are great - just too few, only saw them in 2 Levels maybe - Air Strike level is great, could have been more - The fast walk option is good to have, but didn't use it only on 2 maybe 3 occasions, Hi5 with a Bro is always Better! - First Boss was easier to kill because we could attack him during the cut scenes (someone mentioned that too), so this would have to be remedied - Hoped to see more levels (those in the town)
One really Bad thing: - Pressing the RT Button shoots the special too, like someone already mentioned.
Can't wait for a Demo, or Beta or something! Keep up the Good Work!
How about when you rescue a bro, you keep the current bro but get an extra life (and when you die you start as him), but if you high-five the rescued bro it switches to it? And maybe high-fiveing the flagpoles (checkpoints) would switch bro's?
Very nice idea, at least we could have fun with the current bro longer. Maybe also place the bros further from spawns and not too near each other?
Do you guys plan on increasing the difficulty in Multiplayer? The alpha build seems really easy in SP even the bombardment/final boss so with 4 players, I hope the levels will be harder in MP.
Do you guys plan on increasing the difficulty in Multiplayer? The alpha build seems really easy in SP even the bombardment/final boss so with 4 players, I hope the levels will be harder in MP.
Playing with more than one player is naturally harder in Broforce (because you've got 2X or 3X or 4X the number of bodies to catch bullets and have the same number of lives). Though a couple things, like the boss on level 9, get a bit easier with more bros (because dealing more damage actually helps there).
We've got a bit of a problem now with difficulty. Our experienced players obviously all would like some extra challenging levels to play, but there are still a lot of new players playing the game.
So what we've got to do is add more levels. But for that to really work we need some kind hub world (so it is no longer just one long campaign, but several missions each with a few levels). And that needs more content (though we're working on that).
Eventually we will have some MUCH more challenging levels. But only once we have the ability to separate them from the normal levels and convey: "Here, these are the ultra challenging levels, prepare thy ass for a severe shafting".
Though a couple things, like the boss on level 9, get a bit easier with more bros (because dealing more damage actually helps there).
Boss fights are the most fun part in the game so if there is a way to scale the boss health according to the no. of players in MP, it would be great as the battle could last longer. The boss will surely hate 4 special attacks on him at once xD.
Eventually we will have some MUCH more challenging levels. But only once we have the ability to separate them from the normal levels and convey: "Here, these are the ultra challenging levels, prepare thy ass for a severe shafting".
Awesome....I can't wait for this "hardcore" difficulty!
Hey, did anyone have anything to say about my minigames and video game bros idea or my DK character suggestion? I was sorta hoping that if people would say if they liked or hated it at least, but the new update came out pretty quickly after my post.
I'd be interested in what people say about video game based characters as well. Though we're not likely to be including anything like that until we've got a much larger cast of movie based bros. There are a lot of glaring admissions in our cast at the moment that we need to rectify.
We're definitely keen to do some mini-game type experiments, though we're still figuring out how to include these kinds of ideas.
I think you should focus less on characters (you can always add more characters after the game is out!) and more on levels and play mechanics that could add more variety to the experience. Give people a way to tie levels together and select areas of the globe to go on missions in and then you can character-creep to your heart's content ;)
It's not Broforce, it's got a very different emphasis in terms of gameplay, but I'd expect some of you who enjoy Metal Slug-like games to enjoy Mercenary Kings as well. I think I'm going to enjoy it anyway.
I'd be interested in what people say about video game based characters as well. Though we're not likely to be including anything like that until we've got a much larger cast of movie based bros. There are a lot of glaring admissions in our cast at the moment that we need to rectify.
I agree with @dislekcia. You must be approaching the final development phase, no ? Now that you've find a setting and a background that works, don't try to add things that could result in the breaking of this equilibrium you've set up the past months.
I've updated the online alpha. http://www.freelives.net/BROFORCE/OnlineAlpha/OnlineAlpha.html No gameplay changes, it just doesn't break after you beat the boss which is nice. If someone can play through to the end and check that it is in fact fixed, I'd be very appreciative!
It could be fun though, throwing pots at enemies, or even throwing enemies at each other. : P Adding more choice to the players.
Shoot them? Well duh. Knife them? Sure. Roll a barrel off a ledge/launch a propane tank and kill a bunch of unsuspecting enemies? OF COURSE. Throwing enemies at dogs running at you? YES!
AND ADD DAMSELS THAT YOU CAN PICK UP AND THROW T-- oh sorry, this wasn't spelunky. BUT STILL DO IT. If you want to. (YES.)
So this idea would link something I know you have planned with something lots of people have been asking for. What I'm refering to are mini/side games and video game bros. So my idea is that, perhaps, that the unlocking of video game based bros could be seperate from the other bros. I'm thinking that these bros could be unlocked by reaching a certain checkpoint or completing all of the minigame challenges. For instance, taking some ideas from the stream yesterday (one of these ideas also being mine), perhaps beating the jungle seagull skeet shoot could earn you Duke Nukem, doing especially well in the flexing competition could earn you someone especially muscly, like Guile, or if you beat the Donkey Kong mock up that someone (not me, but I have some ideas about it) suggested, you'd get- No. Not Mario. No, you'd get a reformed villain. And yes, this entire idea was built around me wanting to make a character pitch. :D
Bronkey Kong, Bro Kong, I don't know
Main attack: I'm thinking either a strong punch or something that might be better, differentiating him from Blade, currently the only melee character, a ground smash that hurts enemies near him and launches them a bit into the air. Not sure if 1 or 2 hit kills would be better, but I'm thinking 2 or 3 hits could destroy the 3 or 4 blocks on the top layer below him.
Special: I have a few options for this one. First one, which itself has 2 variations, he rolls a barrel forward that flattens enemies and explodes on contact with a heavy or wall. Another variation, rolls the barrel, first enemy he hits, it explodes and launches napalm in that direction, hitting more enemies. I prefer the first one, but I was requested to suggest both. This would be a standard 3 load special attack. Second (well, third) variation, instead of being able to just HAVE barrels, his special could be picking up enemies and barrels and throwing them. Not sure if it should be barrel specific or not, because that might allow for rolling, so that you don't throw a barrel, hit the ceiling, and blow yourself up. If it was barrels and mooks, then perhaps attempting to pick up heavies could just result in a throw/push/flip rather than actually picking it up.
I'm sorry if I make too many suggestions. I love this game and have a lot of ideas I think would be cool. I'd love to hear back about what people think about this idea, and of course from the devs about whether or not any of this fits their vision or is practical. I hope my second special attack suggestion is to your liking. The throwing one, that is.
We're working on getting all this and more into a bigger update that we'll release publically.
And depending on what I press the screen will go back to plain space then come back to the menu world combo.
Just caused me to spend 3 hours on your game in stead on my own (Way too much fun)
All seems well. The only major glitch was as I saved a bro I got shot resulting in an extra live (and character switch) plus mission failure)
Yeah, the menu is suuuuper cool and classy.There is perhaps too much of the red color.
The new boss is way more difficult than the previous one ! Me and my brother succeeded to destroy him after a few tries... when we discovered that we were able to deal him damages during the little cutscene before the fight. The problem is that you have to be at close range to discover his attack pattern. But at close range... He kills you !! so maybe, widen a little bit the field of vision. But maybe you want the player to improvise, like a bro would do ?
I would also suggest that in the level with airstrikes, you're alerted of it at the very beginning of the level, for example, the shadow of a plane in the background, or with an air raid alert :
I've seen some bugs, as always, but as we can't take screenshots ... anyway :p
* When you have a bro with more than 3 specials (eg. Indiana Brones) and rescue a new one who has less, the HUD will show it as if you had 5 specials. Then when you use one special, it returns to normal and shows 2 specials left.
* When we killed the mechaboss of the last level, little speech balloons appeared above our heads, with nothing in it.
* A flying barrel.
And a suggestion from my brother : in timed level when there are about 30 seconds left, or in normal levels when you take more than 5 minutes or so to finish a level, paratroopers start falling from the sky.
I would also suggest that you can unlock cages with the high-five button, which will not alert the mooks around.
Oh that makes me think, on what is based the Stealth meter ? because i was the stealthiest possible bro in first level, nobody have seen me and i've only killed the little devil guy, and i was only ranked 4#.
The sprint feels great, not too slow and not too fast, but I couldn't feel it with certain characters, such as Indiana. Does every character have sprint?
I got #1 brotality and #1 time on a few levels, what are they? Online leaderboards? They didn't always pop up though.
What ARE brotality and stealth anyway? How do you get better ranks? The stealth meter felt a bit random.
The first boss was a lot harder than the last one, so I started digging a giant hole beneath it (hate to bring up spelunky again but same boss tactic :D), the boss didn't even attack me when I was below it. But it worked beautifully. :3
KUTGW, I can't wait to see this on Steam and buy it. :3
@SquigyXD Thanks man!
@Ade I think the sprint broke on Indianna : < ...Rambro is the only one who has "sprinting" frames. But we'll get the rest in soon.
And the stealth score isn't working very well. We've got to figure out how to calculate that properly.
@Douzeju I like those suggestions! Yeah, the air bombardment level really needs more context (specifically "watch out, this is going to mess you up!" which the air raid siren would help with).
Do you think the bombardment level is too difficult?
And is the early boss fight too difficult?
It's fairly easy to make it easier. And we can always save the hard difficulty levels for later in the game (when there is a later in the game)
I didn't think the air strike level was TOO difficult, but maybe a bit too difficult so early on in the game.. A bit more time between the missiles and it's fine.
I noticed that when pressing RT on x360 controller, the player shoots AND uses the special attack at the same time.
Also a small suggestion concerning gamepads, would it be possible to add that you could move the camera with the right analog stick, like in Mark of the ninja?
EDIT: Nevermind, the first boss really is not that hard. I beat it on my first try easily now that I tried it again.
A little graphic bug also : sometimes, the red cross targets don't totally disappear.
Is the online build up to date ? i would like to play online with some friends :p
Some Suggestions (Edited):
- It would be great if we could choose our characters or allow us to keep the current character when we save a bro for more lives. Currently, there are lots of bro to save very near each other and I haven't had enough fun with the current bro I'm using. Perhaps have another mode which allows you to use 1 character but it will be much harder and you only have 1-3 lives for the whole level.
- Timed survival mode similar to l4d probably with steam achievements
- Environments
Underwater/Stealth levels
Winter level - Slippery Ice platforms!
Train level with moving carts similar to propane tank but without exploding (Jump at right time or fall to deadly pits)
Jump Quest race/coop levels with tons of traps, Indiana Jones style (Spikes/Lava/Mortars/Timed Swinging Mace+Arrow Wall/Stationary+Blink Laser tripwires)
Just wondering if it's possible for players to have their own screen view for Online MP? For e.g., when my teammate drops down where I can't see him, allow him to have his own view to climb up instead of teleporting up and sharing the view with 4 players. With our own screen views, we could have more random fun like stealth kills, large battles or close, race without slow players teleporting/dying, attack/defend that spawn 2 players team at far left & right of map which provides more surprise battles or just fight in an area for ultimate explosions.
Allow us to host the game ourselves will probably solve the lag issue.
also, can we sketch up our own level ideas? just curious.
This would be a much easier fix :)
first off, how is brotality/stealth measured and what is this "top 50!" business?
the miniboss is either really challenging (which is good), or WAY too easy. I got Brominator, activated his special and practically mopped it up in a few seconds. this means that either the miniboss is weak or Brominator is OP pls nerf!
the airstrike level is ok as-is, but there should be a sort of warning. background rocket silhouettes for example. also, more humanoid enemies on the surface would be nice.
and lastly, i feel that the current final boss should have been much harder. i'm not saying it's not OK as-is, but it just feels easy.
that aside it was fun and good luck to all of your future endeavors!
also, how do I sprint? or punch? Can I suggest UPnP? it should work pretty well.
I can, however, say that 22702 mooks have been killed in successfully completed levels on this particular build. Yeah!
- Mines are great - just too few, only saw them in 2 Levels maybe
- Air Strike level is great, could have been more
- The fast walk option is good to have, but didn't use it only on 2 maybe 3 occasions, Hi5 with a Bro is always Better!
- First Boss was easier to kill because we could attack him during the cut scenes (someone mentioned that too), so this would have to be remedied
- Hoped to see more levels (those in the town)
One really Bad thing:
- Pressing the RT Button shoots the special too, like someone already mentioned.
Can't wait for a Demo, or Beta or something! Keep up the Good Work!
Broforce on gametrailers!
Do you guys plan on increasing the difficulty in Multiplayer? The alpha build seems really easy in SP even the bombardment/final boss so with 4 players, I hope the levels will be harder in MP.
We've got a bit of a problem now with difficulty. Our experienced players obviously all would like some extra challenging levels to play, but there are still a lot of new players playing the game.
So what we've got to do is add more levels. But for that to really work we need some kind hub world (so it is no longer just one long campaign, but several missions each with a few levels). And that needs more content (though we're working on that).
Eventually we will have some MUCH more challenging levels. But only once we have the ability to separate them from the normal levels and convey: "Here, these are the ultra challenging levels, prepare thy ass for a severe shafting".
And probably even cooler! Someone made a TVTropes article: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/Broforce (TVTropes being the best website for information in the world... though not necessarily the most accurate).
I think the TVtropes entry correctly understands the game :D
It's not a perfect speedrun, I think he edited out his failed attempts, but it still oozes cool!!! (I think)
We're definitely keen to do some mini-game type experiments, though we're still figuring out how to include these kinds of ideas.
btw. Mercenary Kings beta is going to be available on Steam from July 22. http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/07/07/mercenary-kings-is-metal-slug-with-more-explosions-and-its-shooting-up-steam-early-access-late-july/
It's not Broforce, it's got a very different emphasis in terms of gameplay, but I'd expect some of you who enjoy Metal Slug-like games to enjoy Mercenary Kings as well. I think I'm going to enjoy it anyway.
No gameplay changes, it just doesn't break after you beat the boss which is nice.
If someone can play through to the end and check that it is in fact fixed, I'd be very appreciative!