What makes a good game video/trailer?
Just saw Klei's trailer for their game Incognita, and thought it was a fantastic mix of gameplay and cinematics.

We've been talking about this here and there, and I feel that we really should be focusing more on making a good video - even better, on a budget.

(can we figure out if we can make youtube embeds easier? Some formats like the above example doesn't work, and it's copypasta format...)

We've been talking about this here and there, and I feel that we really should be focusing more on making a good video - even better, on a budget.

(can we figure out if we can make youtube embeds easier? Some formats like the above example doesn't work, and it's copypasta format...)
On a side-note, we're talking here about making a good video and doing so on a budget; a related matter might be making cutscenes on a budget. One way of achieving this that I'm rather in favour of is using still (or minimally-animated) "graphic novel"-style cutscenes, as seen in Maker's Eden on this forum and games like Thief and Gray Matter, I believe.
... oh right! good videos! I loved how the cinematic blended with the gameplay, being logically consistent with each other (guy runs down hall, cut to cutscene with guy running down hall etc)... obviously a lot of in-game footage is cheap and effective and sells the game more honestly than any cinematic could.
As an interesting note I timed the animated cutscenes, there was only 20-25 seconds of it compared to the 40-45 seconds of gameplay (rest was preamble, etc), just really well placed in between gameplay. I donno, I'm not good at these things but the 20 s of cinematic made the video probably an order of magnitude more engaging, sounds like a good return to me (disclaimer: I have no idea what I am doing)