I found this while digging through my internets

edited in General
Hey I'm one of the new guys. I introduced myself in the welcome thread. I wanted to show this off at the community night but then it got late and had to leave. It's a game I made some years back when I was still in high school. I haven't really shown it off to a lot of people but it's one of my more successful projects (by successful I mean I'm happy with how it turned out, I've never actually made a cent from game development... yet). I had a lot of fun making this, and I thought I'd share it with the South African game dev community :)


  • That actually looks pretty neat :) The particles go a little overboard towards the end of the clip but the game looks great. What was this developed in and where can we get our hands on it?
  • Thanks :)
    It's built in Java, using the Slick2D graphics engine http://slick.ninjacave.com/. Unfortunately I'm going to have to do a bit of digging, since I can't find it on my computer at the moment, and it may have been on the hard drive I formatted last month, so we might be out of luck there.
    But rest assured as soon as I find a working copy I'll put up a link. ;)
  • Please do :)
  • edited
    I really like that the stars move away from the explosions. It's a clever touch... makes me think that the arrows are galactic in scope. But mostly it makes killing arrows look surprisingly satisfying.

    Post more games plz!
    Thanked by 2hanli Kobusvdwalt9
  • The Juice in this game is amaaaazing, yeah the stars moving away from the explosions makes a nice touch. And the chunkiness makes it feel very... powerful. ALL THE PARTICLES! :D
  • Good news guys, I found some source code lying around that may pertain to this video. Will update once I've sifted through it.
  • *thought of pixel boy* :)
  • The code is up! Go check it out on github.
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