Unity Car/Racing games
Has anybody done any work making any car or racing games in Unity? I'm wanting to do something of the sort but:
1) Everybody says you generally should try to stay away from the built-in physics (which I can understand...it does some funky things) and
2) The unity-provided car tutorial is somewhat crappy (it uses the built-in physics and the results aren't exactly stellar) though I don't know if that's just because it hasn't been tweaked to feel nice
I know @TheFuntastic (I think it was him?) had some car advertisement demo thing a while ago that seemed to look/feel a lot better than the standard unity tutorial but I don't recall what he said he did for that =/
Should I just implement everything from scratch (as one would without Unity) and raycast for all my physics/collision needs? I'm wanting to go for some kind of trackmania-esque style (I'm really not a fan of simulation racers...the more arcade-ey it is the better) so I wouldn't be bothered about having correct friction coefficients and gear ratios (hell, why have gears at all).
Any suggestions/comments/pitfalls/ideas etc. would be much appreciated :)
1) Everybody says you generally should try to stay away from the built-in physics (which I can understand...it does some funky things) and
2) The unity-provided car tutorial is somewhat crappy (it uses the built-in physics and the results aren't exactly stellar) though I don't know if that's just because it hasn't been tweaked to feel nice
I know @TheFuntastic (I think it was him?) had some car advertisement demo thing a while ago that seemed to look/feel a lot better than the standard unity tutorial but I don't recall what he said he did for that =/
Should I just implement everything from scratch (as one would without Unity) and raycast for all my physics/collision needs? I'm wanting to go for some kind of trackmania-esque style (I'm really not a fan of simulation racers...the more arcade-ey it is the better) so I wouldn't be bothered about having correct friction coefficients and gear ratios (hell, why have gears at all).
Any suggestions/comments/pitfalls/ideas etc. would be much appreciated :)
I would recommend looking up Edy's Vehicle Physics in the Unity Store and using that. This gives you GTA live car physics which should give you the arcadey feeling you're looking for
Mmmmm $60...maybe slightly more than I'd want to dish out for a little car-related side project...but on the upside at least Edy makes stabilizer bars less of an issue for everyone (if I'm seeing this correctly) by putting up the script he used on his website for anybody to see... >.>
I think I'll at least do a bit of tinkering to see what I can do first
Never underestimate how much your own time is worth.