Calling MakeGamesSA members for Pogonodensity survey
Hi all, I noticed at the last CT meetup an interesting and steady increase in pogonotrophy with a concomitant increase in pogonodensity (pogo-, pogono-, -pogon, Greek: beard; referring to a beard or beard-like structures). We all love a lovely beard, so in the interest of pseudoscience, and if you would participate, please rate you pogono-state so we further study the ebbs and flows of pogonodensity around makegamessa:
1: Squeaky clean
2: Little o' stubble
3: Lot o' stubble
4: Discernibly a beard
5: Basking in magnificence
I know this is a but subjective, we all know we over-rate the size of our facial hairs (or under-rate in some cases, whatever floats your goatee). But the wonders of statistics means we can average out any inherent biases we might have ;)
Please also include when you first started using the forums and if/when you first went to your first meetup (and where, CTP or JHB) ... even though this is a tongue in (beardy) cheek poll, I can actually do a timeline, graph and stats if enough people participate :p
1: Squeaky clean
2: Little o' stubble
3: Lot o' stubble
4: Discernibly a beard
5: Basking in magnificence
I know this is a but subjective, we all know we over-rate the size of our facial hairs (or under-rate in some cases, whatever floats your goatee). But the wonders of statistics means we can average out any inherent biases we might have ;)
Please also include when you first started using the forums and if/when you first went to your first meetup (and where, CTP or JHB) ... even though this is a tongue in (beardy) cheek poll, I can actually do a timeline, graph and stats if enough people participate :p
When they first started, many moons ago when I just had a little o' stubble (June 2012) Prior to that I was on Game.Dev and SAGameDev forums
I went to my First CT meet-up in Nov 2011
First JHB meetup and joined forum around July 2012
(everyone's join dates for the forum, by the way, is in their profiles :) )
CT meetup - can't remember it was sometime during college so 2011 Nov? Dec? pick a random month :)
Might be cool to have a full beard but I think the bosses would frown on it
Joined the forum and attended first meet in June this year
Sadly enough, the concentration of hair on my face is rather low. Instead I grow some kind of beard scarf under my near. Like a natural polo neck...
Rosking the bok-baard.
I attended my first meetup in 2010.
I First joined the forums in Novembeard 2012 and attended my first meet-up in February 2013, it was so much fun! Everyone helped push Pixel Boy in such a positive direction it was insane, am forever grateful!
Joined June 2012. Attended my first meetup in Joburg in... 2010, I think.
I've been blessed: I've been on the forums since the beginning, I was attending meetups since before the were held at Microsoft offices, and working on Broforce has had a powerful effect : )
I cannot remember when my first meet was but I joined the forums in June 2013.
I've been at the meetups since they they started at Microsoft ( October/Novemeber 2011 ? )
Also, this:
Been going to the JHB meets for longer than I care to remember, like 2010 when I had a beard that was a 5.
Forums: been hanging around on Game.Dev since 2006? Did a stint on SAGD, and been on Make Games pretty much as soon as the forums existed.