The Jejune Institute [screening coming!]

edited in General
Edit: We've gotten in touch with the filmmakers and he absolutely supports getting screenings going in South Africa, so the next steps are to get venue and dates ready! Discussions in this thread!


Through a series of tweets and hopscotching of topics, I stumbled upon this thing called the Jejune institute, where someone weaved a story of an Institute of super human psychic powers and experimentation involving a REAL institute in San Francisco.

It turned out to be an ARG, called the Game of Nonchalance. It sounds utterly incredible.

Years later, someone made a documentary of it called "The Institute":

It's currently going around now, and of course South African's not on their tour list... Is there any interest in screening something like this here?


  • I'd watch that. Def :)
  • Yeah, same :) sounds interesting.
  • Me please! *waves hands around*
  • I would love to watch that! Let's make it happen
  • Yes, let's make this happen.
  • Watching the video with my co-workers and they say it reminds them of the movie EXistenZ
  • I've sent an email to the filmmakers and forwarded it to Andre so they can be involved in an official makegamesSA capacity. Hope they respond fondly :)
  • Hey the guys wrote back and basically said they'd love to have a screening in South Africa :D

    So - we want a venue (or two, one for Jhb and one for CT), and dates, and I've asked them what they need from us (is there cost involved? Is there usually?)

    TBH I haven't organised screenings before XD
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    OK guys I got word from the filmmaker, Spence, he's a super cool human being and he's basically greenlighted it for us to show here, he'll send us the QT file etc.

    So now the question is - Where and When?

    Amaze is coming up, we have tons of organisation to do for it, so the question is:

    Do we want to work it into Amaze? Or should we leave it for after Amaze? I'm tending towards not adding more last minute stuff to what's already a big mission, but I'll let the organisers decide?

    And venues - I'm sure CT will have ideas of their own - Joburg? Does anyone know what it takes to get like the Bioscope for a showing (though I'm not so keen on that area at night) or does anyone have any venues in mind? Rosebank Nouveau?

    I'd like to get back to him with possible dates, so what does everyone think? :D

    (should we continue this kind of stuff via email?)
  • @Tuism, continue chatting to me off the forums and we'll make this happen mid-late September, between AMAZE and rAge.
  • We gotta get @TheFuntastic involved in this - he organised the IGTM screening at the Labia.
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    What's @TheFuntastic's email, by the by?

    And anyone else who's interested/capable of helping us organise the screening?

    Gonna get the ball rolling on this so we can get as much notice ahead as possible. It's possible that this has wider appeal than just game devs so I'm gonna see if more people are interested.
  • Thanks for taking the initiative, @Tuism. :)
  • That's cos I'M A DOER NOT A DONTER!

    (go watch Pain & Gain, it was fantastic :P)


    Between rAge and AMAZE we seem to have dropped the ball on this, gonna pick it up again if there's interest.

    Your thoughts?
  • OK picking it up means:

    >> Finding a venue (we asked for costs and it's all in emails - between the Bioscope and Cinema Nouveau). Alternative to that we spoke about showing it at the MS offices.

    >> Deciding whether to try make it public or not. If public we gonna have to try and promote it and stuff. Do we have capacity for that right now?

    >> Deciding a date.

    Thoughts, go:
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