[Event] Indie Game: The Movie Screening ( 23-Aug-2012 )

edited in General
Calling all Ladies, Gentlemen, and unshaven creatures otherwise known as Game Developers!

Clear your diaries on the evening of the 23rd of August! Catch the award winning documentary Indie Game: The Movie in a once off special screening event, brought to you by MakeGames SA and the Labia Theatre.

When: Thursday 23 August
Time: 20:30
Where: The Labia Theatre on Orange Street, Gardens, Cape Town
Damage: A mere R40 of your hard earned monies

Update: Official facebook event is up: Let's go! go! go!


  • So amped for this! I'd like to get some business cards printed to direct people who attend the screening to the site,. I'll pay for them to be printed, but I have no artistic skills or googles. Would someone be willing to do a mock up ?
  • *hand up* :) In case you wanna see credentials... www.tuism.com :)

    Guess now is as good a time as any to get the identity finalised... heading to the other thread about it.
  • @Tuism, cool :) Go for it!
  • Hey guys!

    It's only two weeks till the screening night of IGTM. I've added the facebook event to the original post. If we could start spreading the word far and wide. (Know some people don't like facebook, but the event details are publicly visible so I figure it's good enough)

    This will be the weekend before Ludum Dare, and the perfect way to warm up the game design juices leading into that weekend!

    Still need to get poster materials from the film makers. Maybe we can look at posting them around various campuses.

    Booking are available through the Labia Theatre via 021 424 5927. No online bookings are available unfortunately.
  • Let the pimping begin!
  • Ok, who is doing what to raise awareness? We don't have much time left!
  • @TheFuntastic Have they given us the promotional material templets yet? If so, I'll get some printed tomorrow and post them up at UCT

    @Tuism Have you managed to do anything for the Business Cards?
  • I'm slightly away for a brief getaway, but I'll give you some stuff by Thursday :) no worries! :)
  • Awesome man thanks :D
  • Sorry, been internet down for a couple of days (icky router death).

    We now have permission to use the high res still here:

    I will spend some time this evening making a poster. Then if we can maybe devise a plan as to where to to put these up.

    @LexAquilla is it too late to still get in on that UCT action? Otherwise I'm sure there are some other guys that could put it up.

    Who else has access to rad Education institutions and wants to put a poster up for us?
  • I'm heading back to UCT on Monday to give a talk to the IS honours people, I'll hand stuff there. Maybe @raxter can get the posters signed off by the SRC and put them up around campus ?
  • Also, does anyone have a physical copy of the movie? Either Blu-ray or Dvd?

    I have a digital copy, but my computer sometimes struggles with HD playback...
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    @LexAquillia sure, I don't know what the procedure is, with the bureaucracy at UCT it might be a mission (in which case I can put it up on internal notice boards, especially in the comp sci, art and media buildings). But I'll check it out
  • @raxter basically once you have the posters, you just need to go up to the SRC offices (above the food court) and get them to stamp it. :)
  • OK, I've gone off the beaten track and came up with something I think is pretty close to the heart of the matter...

    What is mgsa? It's about spreading the love of making games, right? And as much as we'd like to define and undefine what a 'game' is, we're all aiming to create digital games.

    The heart is a bit of a white hot thing, burning to spread the love of digital throughout SA. I think it works well enough for an associaltional type thing, clear and simple enough to iconise, and distinguishable enough to stand out from other "associations".

    OK... feel free to give your input, tell me what you think, rip it to shreds, etc :)
    473 x 851 - 98K
  • @Tuism - I don't like the colour scheme (it seems to be missing something). Also the URL needs to be more standard from a readability perspective IMO ie. http://www.makegamessa.com but others may disagree on this. Finally, what do you think about making the poster itself a simplified game (puzzle, whatever) with the end being your logo?

    Good work, keep the ideas flowing :D
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    I do agree with the URL thing... Generally speaking. But we're talking about people who want to make games - not people who may potentially be stupid enough to miss the ".com" at the end of something and not realise that it's a URL. So that's open to discussion, I guess.

    like the idea of the thing itself being a game - I wonder whether it's more important to have a clear "hi, we make games" or if the name makegamessa.com alone would be enough of a call for someone to interact. If the latter, then the game idea would be perfect. If former, then I wouldn't add much more to it. Also, I don't want to embellish the design too much - the identity needs to be clear at this early age of the brand. People need to see the logo by itself as solidly as possible and not be potentially distracted by other stuff. Again, at this early life of the brand, simple is best.

    Let me collect more inputs then decide on a course of action :) (also, I can't believe I'm subjecting myself to design by committee :P)
  • I absolutely love that logo. Holy crap! It means so much more if you're from SA, which is utterly perfect.

    Pixel country + heart. Gorgeous.

    As far as linkability goes, I'd just put www.twitter.com/#makegames and www.MakeGamesSA.com right at the bottom.

    Putting game instructions, or maybe even local game screenshot before/after pics would be cool. But simple is always best, you don't want a complex thing on an awareness raiser - that's what the forum is for ;)
  • A3 poster ready to go!

    Hi res version can be found here, if anyone wants to go ahead and get some printed.

    I plan to get some printed myself... but at this late hour my foggy brain prevents me from saying where or when. Will post update tomorrow.
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  • @Tuism no ripping to shreds required. Excellent execution, I think it symbolizes makegamessa pretty awesomely. ++ for pixel design! I agree with @dislekcia about having the links at the bottom.
    Good job dude!
  • www.twitter.com/#makegames
    ^ Twitter seems to "correct" the URL and take me to the @makegames account, instead of the hashtag. <_<

    That logo rocks! I was thinking that if the orange were instead the same red as the logo, or black, the white text would read better, and the colours would be more consistent/appealing? Just thoughts. :)
  • Okay, I'm getting 8 posters printed (A3).

    Going to send some along to AFDA. Couple of places around town I can put them up. How many to you guys want for UCT? who can I drop them off with? @raxter ?

    Who else is willing to put up a posters? @dislekcia do we have an in at friends of design? Where else is game design being studied?

    Any body else want a poster to put up some where. Should probably save one for the night of the screening, and see if I can put one in the Labia beforehand.

    If Facebook numbers are anything to go by (which they're probably not) we're still 50 odd people short of our break even point. So any kind of team effort here will be much appreciated.
  • @Elyaradine @Pomb thanks guys :)

    @LexAquillia here, I think this is pretty final. Colours unified, url url-ified. Twitter thing dropped cos I think it dilutes the call-to-action - also cos it doesn't work (thanks Twitter)

    Let me know where I can mail the pdf to so you can get the business cards printed up. I think a week's lead time is enough for Jetline - but just check ahead with them.

    355 x 639 - 77K
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    ^ Twitter seems to "correct" the URL and take me to the @makegames account, instead of the hashtag.
    I was just hoping the link would magically work, didn't test it ;)

    @Tuism: Only thing I would change would be "in SA" to "in South Africa". Provided there's room.
  • Good point, it fits :)

    Well I hope it gets printed up in time, using business cards as a take-away is a great, cost-effective idea :)
    355 x 639 - 81K
  • Okay, I have the posters. Look pretty sweet!

    I'm in town if anyone wants to grab. I can also make plans to get drop one off if you can provide a venue. And if I don't get volunteers, I will start nominating ;)
  • I can put some up around UCT, if @raxter isn't already on top of that.
  • @raxter @merrik okay cool. Where do you guys stay? Say we go for whatever is easiest/whoever is closest for me to drop off...
  • I stay way out in Bergvliet, so UCT is closest for me.
  • @TheFuntastic: Sorry, I'm a bit late here, but I'm also in town (close to City Varsity) if you need me to distribute any around there.
  • @Manikin Thanks for the offer. I should be able to cover town. Where to you work though? Could be handy for dropping off poster with someone if a convenience presents itself.

    @Merrik Weekend Mission to that side of the world may not be out the question, but lets see how it goes. Otherwise will have to drop off at UCT on monday
  • Coolio, no worries. I work in Plumstead, so let me know if you need any there :)
  • I've been spreading the word at UWC. A poster would be cool. I haven't checked out the facebook page but I'm about to and invite some CompSci friends.
  • @shelton thanks dude. That's a bit far out for me to get a poster to during the week, but thanks for spreading the word nonetheless!
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    The last outstanding item on the list is HD playback. Does anyone have a bluray copy? or a laptop up to the task? or alternatively BluRay writer (does anyone have such a thing these days)?

    Otherwise regrettably we shall be watching a DVD blown up way bigger than it ever should've been...
  • I haven't tried my laptop with HD playback, will give it a go on our HDTV. What connectors do they have at the theatre, laptop's only got D-sub.
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    @TheFuntastic, my Laptop has an HDMI port, so I assume ut should be able to handle HD playback...


    Scratch that, my laptops HD just died, and it won't be ready by Thursday :(
  • Going through to the cinema tomorrow to check out what connections they have, will report back soon.

    My laptop can do HD but starts spluttering sometimes for no apparent reason. Pretty good way to piss off a room full of people.
  • Okay, just went to the theatre. Super cool to see the projection room. Huge projectors and huge spools of film everywhere.

    The digital projector has HDMI and VGA. I'm actually going to try see if I can play it from my ps3. Figure if anything can handle HD, it should be that. Otherwise I'm just going to go with the safest option and burn it to dvd. According to the projectionist the quality is pretty good. In fact now that I've said it out loud, that definitely seems like that way to go. Apologies ot anyone who has a thing about HD
  • @TheFuntastic awesome! Did they mention how many tickets have been sold ?

    Also check out the cards I got printed curtsey of @Tuism

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  • Also if anyone (or a friendly friend) would like to bring along a camera and take a few photos it would be good to record the evening for posterity.
  • @LexAquilla At the moment its about 50. But people are a bit lax about booking, especially when a phone call is involved. Facebook event has 113 people attending. Don't trust all of them to come, but there will be people coming who didn't see the facebook event. So things look promising.
  • Swwwwwweeeet :) What compelled you to show the white backs though? :P

    Good luck for the event! Hope we get a lot of involvement and crash the server or something :P

    Get pictures, talk to people, get quotes, let's write something up, and spam some sites/blogs. I know I'll be glad to :)
  • Still pimping to as many people as I can. How goes the drive to get students interested? Has anyone got any contacts with schools?

    Also, was just wondering if we could do some sort of slide or image that could introduce people to Make Games SA, point them at the website and maybe even highlight the local indies that have games that are buyable right now? Stuff like DD and A Day in the Woods, anyone else have buy-right-the-fuck-now links?

    Can we even do a splash image thing?
  • Splash image depends on the eventual playback format. Was definitely planning an introduction of sorts. Also thought of having playable demos in the foyer, but space is pretty limited. Especially if the weather isn't great.

    Flyers posters etc are all potential ways to get your name involved. I'm relying to people to be self organised in this respect though.

    PS @dislekcia wouldn't like you to give the introduction for MakeGames. You've been around a lot longer than I have, so feel it would be more appropriate. I'll take care of introducing the movie...
  • Got us some last-minute coverage on NAG and MyGaming still working on News24, but chances are it'll be too late for that soon.

    @TheFuntastic: Did you mean you'd like me to do a MakeGames intro? Typo there mebbe? ;) Also working on getting the Mweb GameZone guys to come shoot at the event, have put them in contact with you via twitter.
  • Going to try put together a slideshow intro. If anyone wants a screen shot included ( 1280×720 preferably ) then you have till tomorrow morning to send one through to me. Maybe include a title and/or easy to remember url

    @dislekcia doh! typo ahoy. Awesome stuff on the getting the coverage together. Things are looking good! Just realised 176 ppl is going to real hard to address without some kind of PA. Ergh! Remind me to never organise anything again.

    Anyone here have a simple mobile PA of some kind?
  • Nice one! Would be great to see what the turn out would be. Have an awesome evening guys :)
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