Metrico seems pretty damn smart as a design.

edited in General
From the I-wish-I'd-thought-of-that Department: Metrico turns infographics into a game.

Watch the video. The text doesn't really describe what's going on very well, but you can see it much better in action... Essentially, the game is a platformer where the environment you have to traverse is made of infographic elements, so bar graphs might grow as you move left and shrink as you move right, a platform might be a graph node that indicates how many times you've jumped (so if you can get on top of it, you can use it to push you higher for each jump), etc. It's a really neat puzzle concept, almost makes me want a Vita ;)


  • File this next to Braid and VVVVVV for being impossibly clever! Damn that's cool :D
  • I love this concept...puzzle solving through pattern recognition. So awesome!

    [quote = dislekcia]From the I-wish-I'd-thought-of-that Department[/quote]
    With you on that...
  • Heh, that is rather clever. ^_^
  • That's an excellent idea. I like how they've even integrated the number of deaths into the environment manipulation as well - makes me think of the one comp at Game.Dev about using player death creatively in your mechanics.
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