Global Game Jam 2022 is here!

Hello everyone, and welcome to Global Game Jam South Africa 2022! This year's Jam will be fully online which means that everyone from anywhere can come join us in Jamming! Here are the basic details:
Friday 28th January at 5pm through Sunday 30th January at 5pm for the Short Jam, or Thursday 20th January through Sunday 30th January for the Long Jam.
On the MGSA Discord Server, the GGJ website, and the GGJZA Jam Site.
Using whatever tools you want and working with whoever you please, all from the comfort of your own home! You’ll need to be on the MGSA Discord Server for communications and registered on the GGJ website for submission.

If this is your first time participating in GGJ, you should probably read through this to have your questions answered. If you have any other questions, drop them here or on the Discord Server! Here are a couple pre-emptive answers:
Q: Are there prizes? Who decides who wins?
A: This isn't a competition! We're here to have fun, learn, and innovate. Not to win.
Q: Can I team up with people? What’s the maximum team size?
A: You can team up with whoever you want from wherever you want! You don’t need to come with a team already, in fact it can be really fun if you don’t. Meeting and working with new people is one of the best things about Global Game Jam, and we’ll provide channels for you to meet them as well. The only rule is that Jammers must be above the age of 18. If you want to Jam and are younger the 18, check out GGJ Next. There is no maximum team size.
Q: Is there a theme for the Jam? When is it being announced?
A: There is a theme for the Jam, and it will be announced on the 17th of January. We’ll make sure to share it everywhere we can, so don’t worry about missing it. From there you can start brainstorming, but don’t start Jamming just yet! Wait for the start of the event and then go to town. (The theme is DUALITY!)
Q: What’s the difference between the Long Jam and Short Jam? Which should I choose to do?
A: There really isn’t much of a difference, and the reason there are two options is to cater for people that might not have the time or energy to Jam a whole weekend away. You can choose to participate in whichever one you want, but all submissions will happen between the 28th and 30th.
That's about all for now! Jam setup will be happening over the next couple days, so expect updates to be posted here and on the Discord.
See you around!
Jean-Luc (Delirium (Jean-Luc)#4108 on Discord)
GGJZA concluded on Sunday, and we had a total of 8 games submitted! I look forward to playing through them, and I'd encourage you to do so as well. You can find them here if you're interested.
Thank you to everyone that participated, and thank you to the MGSA crew for helping out with the Discord server and pinning this thread! Thank you to RD for co-organising this with me, and thank you to Global Game Jam and our Regional Organiser for helping us stumble out way through the process for the first time.
We'll see you all next year!
> Jean-Luc