Architectural themed Realtime Project & others (3d rad)

Sup guys.
I am trying to see how far I can push and Architectural themed project , in 3d rad. this how far Ive gotten so far.
Some notes to get this to work:
since I was using a 1:1 scale (millimetres) in 3ds max. when I exported the model, there was alot of draw issues and z-fighting issues. thankfully i fixed this by scaling down the model by like 200 times its original scale, and then exporting it again.
Since I was not too interested in realtime shadows at this point. I did manage to bake out the shadows, to a shadow map. and used Shadmars light map shaders for the shadows.
that was pretty much all I did to get this far.
Note: the building model is a free model I got from either CADNAV or ARCHIVE3D, I dont remember where I got it. but I didnt model it myself. I just started modeling the parking and environmnet areas.
All comments welcome. have a good weekend guys . laters
Also, scaling large models is normal.
Some further reading, in case that's what you're after:
Broader theory on CG lighting/cinematography:
Theory for materials:
More practical application of materials:
Lesedi_Mosadi , I just like how easy it is for me to use 3d rad. I just like pushing this engine as far as I can. That's all. Compared to the super cars of the industry standard. Its like a rock with square wheels. Call me delutional and stubborn....but its still, just like home to me. I have no desire to compete with gaints. I just want to be happy. 3d rad makes me happy.
Something unrelated to this discussion. GH Games asked me back in 2017 to make a first person shooter type game in 3d rad. This is what I came up with. But the project has just been sitting on my hard drive ever since. So I just decided to share it with yall guys.
Wasd for movement mouse for pointing. Yeah the models are not correctly modelled, I just fird this out of my head . Was quite fun, but still never refined or came back to this project. P.s you might get stuck against walls sometimes.... I still havent found a good solution to the first person camera collision sphere, sticking to rigid body colliders......try it out if you like. 100mbs download.
Okay, laters