[pirate pre-skirmish jam] Crimson Soil

Crimson Soil is a game about managing your own level of challenge - sew seeds to grow fruits to harvest, but don't overdo it as you *will* reap what you sew! :)
We didn't quite get to everything we wanted, of course, but it has a game loop and it's quite a challenge... Well, if you challenge yourself :) Post your highscore!
Steven Tu
Paul Potgieter
Pieter Fourie
My high score is 54 but I know I can do a lot better. Of the games that I've gone through, this was one of my favourites - great bite-sized gaming and a complete experience, plus I love the art and music. So far I've found no bugs (bar what you corrected with the update build). I did once have a seed fly off into the forest but I think that was in the jam build and I haven't been able to replicate it since.
For the longest time I thought the score had to do with the number of seeds you were picking up, not the enemies killed, because the action is so frenetic that it's very difficult to look at the interface.
Are you looking for more feedback? Is this a completed project or is the team wanting to do more with it?
As for whether we're going to do more with it or not, no clue! Way too early to say :) I personally felt that it needs more in the way of progression in the game design to warrant working any further on it. But in short, no clue! :)