Hey guys, just launched an active discord channel for the game JAM and other stuff, there are 3 hours left for this weekends game JAM :)
Also, unrelated, what are the reasons you're using Discord over Slack? It seems a bit like a messier version of Slack.
also I assume the draw point of discord in this particular case would be the voice communication.
personally never used slack so I'm not really able to compare but I'm lead to believe it doesn't have voice.
Discord is a bit more fun, and we spent Friday jamming Discord settings more than the jam itself it was so much fun.
It has bots also, which allows for listing to the same music etc, if latency is not too bad.
Also very popular in gaming groups, so you can easily switch between servers and join your mates on another server voice group to play a co-op game when you take a break from chatting to the game dev peeps.
It has been a year since I've been on Slack, so not sure how far along they have come with these features to compare.