Looking to build a small team.

Hi Everyone,

Does anyone know where I can start recruiting people for a small team? I have a little project i want to start working on a horror game that works with music to trigger emotions. It's a little hard to explain but I'm aiming for a similar effect to what the old silent hill games had. I need a few 3d modellers, texturers (I'm not sure there are real words) level builders etc. At the moment it will only be a passion project but i know what my weaknesses are and would appreciate some help.

So any good places to recruit?


  • There might be people here that would be willing to help. There might also be some people in this Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/441467282713665/

    What I've found to help is working on the game, and if you can make it seem like it has potential, it gets easier to find collaborators.

    I mean to say, I think it may be quite difficult finding collaborators when all you have is an idea, but when there are parts of the game in place (be it the programming with placeholder art, or the art with placeholder programming) then people can start to see how their contributions would add value to the project.
    Thanked by 1Zaphire
  • I have some basic levels blocked out with primitives. I know everyone has an idea so I allready gave mine a face to work with. But my skills with modeling and texturing suck and programming im still learning. But im willing to work to get better.

    I can add some screenshots if anyone wants to see but its mostly grey blocks abd such mainly used to test movement around the level and some mechanics.
  • I think games/prototypes made with just blocks are the best (that's not sarcasm, just look at the stuff I make). So I'd say post what you have and start getting feedback on that already. Maybe that entices others to join, or maybe you progress far along that you realise you can do it all yourself :)
  • I dont doubt ill be able to get far alone. Ill start posting some screenshots though its not much to look at.

    I guess I can add some basic textures just to make it look like something other than a grey mess.
  • It probably doesn't matter too much what it looks like. If it looks terrible, that could arguably be even more encouragement for artists to want to fix it (especially if the mechanics/theme/fantasy are strong).
  • Thats the thing the gameplay itself isnt anything special but the goal behind it. I want the music and artwork to be unsettling. You have to constantly expect something but never recieve it until you think you are safe. Its basically collect evidence in an abandoned prison infested by ghosts etc. I dont want to focus on jumpscares and cheap tricks. Everyone has a fight or flight reaction when it comes to fear so I want to see if i can pull that out of them. The graphics dont need to be state of the art and the music im already busy with.
  • edited
    It can be frustrating to try to make a mood game without an artist :-/

    But it is possible!

    It is important to realize that the actual art is not so important in creating an unsettling feeling or tension. Other factors that come to mind are pacing (when things happen, how things are spaced), revelation (when and how much you show the player), unusual juxtapositioning (a doll in a jail is way creepier than just a jail), inhuman spaces (ceilings that are unnaturally low or high), unexpected repetition (20 dolls in a jail is even more creepy than one!), unusual placement of objects (a car on the ceiling), inanimate objects that move. It is actually extremely fun to work these things out and come up with new ways to unsettle the player.

    For GGJ we made a creepy game without an artist - we used mostly free assets, and creepy paintings by traditional artists. There is a lot of interesting imagery on the web that you can use to work out how to structure the game to create the tension you want (a lot of it can be done with blocks alone already). Then, when your game is already scary, you can replace the art with something better. Here are some screenies of what we did - most of the world is just textured blocks, with a few items placed around the world.
  • (Grrr sorry for double post, images failed :-/)

    800 x 450 - 572K
    800 x 450 - 589K
    800 x 450 - 494K
    800 x 450 - 603K
  • @hermantulleken
    Those screenshots look cool :)
    Just staring at them makes you feel uneasy.
    Thanked by 1hermantulleken
  • They actually do seem really good. This gives me an idea on what to do next. In what engine is this btw?
  • It was in Unity (although it is not very important, any engine would do).
    Thanked by 1EvanGreenwood
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