A complete waste of AIR
A very basic but entertaining zen-arcade game, perfect to test your zen when you have a few minutes!
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Can you save the world?
Download from IndieDB @ http://www.indiedb.com/downloads/start/99953

Can you save the world?

I have checked out your game but didn't have time to give feedback yet. There was a few things I think needs work.
This is not feedback I think you should definitely think about making these parts better.
What I did not like or felt needed some work
* The controls being inverted might have made sense as to which side the boosters were pushing but I felt like I really wanted to go to the side I pressed. Keeping it as is could be a difficulty factor but might make it more pleasing to have it opposite of what it is now
* I die too easily. Adding something like health instead of instantly dying could make it more enjoyable because it felt really difficult to get past certain areas
What I liked
* The graphics. It is really well pulled off with the planet in the back and the lighting. Not much I can say to improve it except a better UI
* The random objects flying around and bumping the player
* The walls that extend blocking you from entering
What could be added
* Turrets or objects that would definitely kill the player. Maybe some lose electrical wires that shock the player.
* Refill checkpoints where the player could refuel his air/oxygen
Game looks well done overall!
Don't currently have time to play it, but checked out the video. Looks interesting, but cut that long intro with the marquee. One random thing I noticed, which is probably not very helpful to making it a fun game, is that the use of fuel is way too much compared to reality. Like, I'm getting flashbacks to catastrophic KSP incidents watching that ;P It seems like the focus is on obstacle avoidance, but I'm not quite sure why I would need to avoid obstacles in such an environment, so I guess there's less motivations for me to want to play it.
1) The buttons drew my attention at the start so I actually didn't see what the marquee said at all. I thought it would start looping since it was a marquee but that didn't seem to happen.
2) Almost missed the retry button the first time.
3) I really like the barks. I'm not sure what the context for them are, but they made me smile. :)
4) Only figured out I could hit space bar to restart much later.
5) I played through the difficulty levels starting from rookie. With the space station being stationary in the rookie mode the game was nearly as interesting as when the space station was twirling around. It also made a lot more sense to me in the context of what was happening for the station to be moving around. I played the rookie mode after again and it seems really weird coming back from the moving station.
6) I feel like the fuel mechanic might be better suited as a cooldown mechanic. Something like engaging thrusters but having to keep them under a certain heat threshold otherwise they cease for a few seconds while the quick cool. It would make it seem less harsh than how I sometimes currently run out of fuel because I just missed a fuel tank.
7) I wanted to restart even though I haven't died yet, but pressing spacebar only worked when I already lost.(might not be something everyone wants to do)
8) The fast moving red blocks felt unfair. Especially when they were hidden in the sections that cover them from view. The slow moving/static ones were fine.
9) I didn't like the parts of the stages where I couldn't see what was going on inside. If it was just me trying to avoid the walls while going through a tunnel it was cool, but I often got stuck on something in the tunnel that I couldn't see and didn't know which way to go to avoid. So I was basically guessing, which isn't a good feeling.
10) I very rarely ran out of oxygen. The pressure was always to manage my fuel so I don't run out before the next pickup...it didn't really bring a sense of tension(which is what I assume you were going for). It might be cool to have a heartbeat/breathing that becomes faster paced as time passes to increase that tension.
11) I liked the comic objects floating around like the toilet rolls. :) More of that!
12) I so badly wanted the little dude to say: "Phew that was close" or something when I nearly missed obstacles.
12) Also, I wanted him to freak out a lot when he bumped into astronauts.
13) That actually makes me think of something that might help, if design of the game is planning on making the player fail a lot then make it really fun to fail. It's cool that the little guy spins around already, but I think the game would benefit a lot by putting in these little interactions between things that make it difficult for the player to win. This is a polish part, and might not be the most important thing to focus on atm.
Those are the thoughts I had while playing. Let me know/ask if you want me to clarify something. :) Good job though, I enjoyed playing it. I'm not sure what would make me play it in the long term since I'm the type of player that enjoys playing for long sessions. Which is to say that if you are going for that short bursts of intense play then you are heading in the right direction.
Thanks dude, really nice feedback!
I have Uploaded an update with some of your suggestions implemented. Have a look and let me know if its good or not!
Video :