Humble "GameMaking" bundle now available
On Humble Bundle.
Apparently there is $1,985 worth of game making software available for as little as $12.
Apparently there is $1,985 worth of game making software available for as little as $12.
I think this is more for those that like using RPG Maker etc.
I think it would be remiss, as a game developer, to not consider the value of this bundle for that price, hence me mentioning it here (again). Don't write it off as only being useful to the RPG Maker crowd ;)
You can find the gamespot review and gameskinny reviews for more info.
I am definitely grabbing this offer for $12...
I personally have got a 2D platformer in mind. I would love to build some 3D levels, then apply perspective a la Fez.
Full disclosure: I'm a developer, but haven't built any games. I realise I need to take baby steps. Going to see how the RPG Game Maker assets can help fast track that, maybe just play with RPGGM first and get a feel for it. Any advice for a beginner would be appreciated. Would love some suggestions for Unity vids I should watch?
I am finding it so distracting to have all these cool art assets available to be honest. Rather than focusing on building core game-play mechanics using primitive squares and triangles right now... I just want to plug 'em into my latest prototype from the get go and am spending too much time listening to that sea of MP3's and scrutinizing sprite-sheets and backdrops and considering doing work best done at a later stage in development by someone better at it AKA artist. Not a good thing... but a good thing inspiration-wise. Heh
I have had RPG Maker (Ace?) for ages, but find it too restrictive in game-type and style possibilities. I am loving the speed and power of Unity too much.
So I agree with @Zaphire here. One has to be aware about the licensing. Some of the better ones restrict you to use the assets only in the RPG Maker engine. Read the license file for each asset to avoid disappointment later.
Personally I will prolly use these assets for prototyping purposes only, but on a unique game I would prefer unique assets and looking toward local artists to create a consistent art style, if I am ever lucky/good enough to get to that point.
Edit: @boysano i can't seem to find @pieterator on MGSA, is it @pieter you are referring to? If so which assets did he make in this Humble offering? :) So cool.
You were right, it's pieter, pieterator is my handle everywhere else on the internet :D Thanks for the support, you rock!