[Ludum Dare] 29 is coming up! (25th April)

Just wanted to remind everyone about the up-coming Ludum Dare 29 on the 25th of April.

I'm keen to jam at the Free Lives office with some friends (in Kenilworth in Cape Town, in close proximity to Banana Jam).

We can make some space for some fellow jammers if you don't mind putting up with our tenuous internet connection.

There will be snacks, coffee and shared good times.

If anyone is interested in spatially synchronizing their Ludum Dare weekend with us please let me know!
Thanked by 1foxinni


  • Heyyy that following monday is a public holiday! :D
  • @BlackShipsFilltheSky I'm keen to join if I may :)
    Thanked by 1EvanGreenwood
  • Are we gonna try organise a Joburg venue at Microsoft like we discussed on Twitter a while back? :)

    @Tuism WINNNNNN! :D
    Thanked by 2EvanGreenwood Tuism
  • Jaaaaaaaaaaam!
  • @creative630 It'd be flipping awesome to have you join us!

    I'll almost certainly be jamming for the full 72 hours and making use of the public holiday.
    Thanked by 1creative630
  • Ah man, I'd be so down but I'm probably going to be full retard with Afrikaburn artwork commitments and heading up to the great hippie pyromania debauch in the dessert that monday. Maybe I'll stop by for some quick ninja jamming and cheer leading hi fives!
  • @TheFuntastic Nooo! Jam Team assemble fail!

    It'd be rad though if you did stop by :)
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    Thanked by 2Merrik retroFuture
  • After GGJ I am an even firmer believer in jams. And I'm going to just admit, it's hard to be nearly as productive when I'm not pumping metaphorical iron with the bros. So let's gym. At Microsoft. Metaphorically :) Who can do the organising?
  • Something is scratching the back of my head about that weekend, I think I have some other commitments. But if I have the time to join or even just pop in then maybe I'll do that :D
    Thanked by 1EvanGreenwood
  • Also got da scratch, I know I've got commitments on the Sunday, but I'm down for the other days if scratch turns out to just be an itch wooo!
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    I have a venue for JHB @ Microsoft Bryanston Offices, I am finalising the details, but I was able to organise from Friday 5PM until Sunday 5PM. There are some important notes:

    1) Ludum Dare typically starts at 4AM on Saturday morning (if I am not mistaken) for us, It is important to note that typical jam rules should apply: you will need sleep, so you can perceivably work on your game from whenever you wake up until when you go to sleep on the second day (and as part of this, unfortunately the last few hours should be at home if you don't finish at the venue)

    2) I can organise with security for us to come in and out as we please, but this will require a list of attendees beforehand. With no exceptions I need this list by 23 April (email to v-erlov at Microsoft dot com subject of "Ludum Dare April 2014" please, name, phone #), if you aren't on the list I cannot guarantee the security will allow you access freely at odd hours of the night (i.e. from 10PM to 6AM), I will be organising with them beforehand to avoid the issue we had previously as best I can.

    3) Internet access I can offer limits certain protocols, so be aware of that, and the access is also WiFi access (only some of the physical network points seem to work), I will get a handful of guest access accounts for us for the weekend.

    Will let you guys know the confirmed details when I have them.
    Thanked by 1Tuism
  • Definitely up for this, other factors permitting.
    Thanked by 1EvanGreenwood
  • If the wife and I don't head down to PA for holiday, I'm definitely in.
  • Here is the Meetup event for Ludum Dare in Johannesburg
  • Think I might rock up :P ARTS! FTW!
  • I'm game (sound. coding and some 3D arts ;) )...dat pun ^^

  • I'd like to join in. How does it work. Are teams decided beforehand? I can code and I can art, I'm happy to do either.
    Art: http://makegamessa.com/discussion/1751/nick-cuthberts-art-portfolio/p1
  • I think I am in, thinking to maybe give the solo 48hr jam :)
  • I'd like to join in. How does it work. Are teams decided beforehand? I can code and I can art, I'm happy to do either.
    Art: http://makegamessa.com/discussion/1751/nick-cuthberts-art-portfolio/p1
    There are actually no rules, we usually just rock up, everyone chats and share ideas, and form groups naturally there :) If you have someone you going with, that's cool, but you can always pick up a team there :)

    I can code a bit but mainly art and game design, and I haven't jammed *that* much, but from last year's Global Game Jam, it's ALWAYS an awesome experience :) (http://globalgamejam.org/2014/games/echo-journey-within-without)
  • I'll be there. :) Mainly an artist, but I can wear many hats. And this time I won't really have limitations on how much time I can spend there, except for needing to eat, sleep and shower.
  • Hey hey!

    I've created a Facebook event for the Joburg gathering too.

    Didn't create an event for the Cape Town event because it felt inappropriate to invite people to the Free Lives mansion without them being able to control who/how many is/are coming :).
  • Hey guys, why does the Ludum Dare site and twitter say it's #LD48, and not 29? :P
  • Tuism said:
    Hey guys, why does the Ludum Dare site and twitter say it's #LD48, and not 29? :P
    Because it's a 48hr challenge.
  • oops, yes Ben answered this one for me on fb already... XD
  • Definitely up for some jamming! So looking forward to this! :D
  • @BlackShipsFilltheSky I'd love to join in but think I'm going away that weekend... :/
  • @BlackShipsFilltheSky. Is the offer to jam at your offices still open? If so, could I please get more details. What time do you guys start, where exactly is the offices, etc.
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    Yes! We're going to be jamming from Friday afternoon to Monday. We're not early risers, so that might be a little bit of a constraint (though I can try figure out a way to be awake a little earlier).

    We'll figure out what the numbers are on Wednesday, and try get more desks if we have to. We've got about 4-5 spare chairs, though it'd be helpful if people brought theirs if the numbers exceed that.

    We're in Kenilworth (right nearby Kenilworth station). 5 Karatara Avenue, Main Wing.

    If the jam get's a lot bigger then we might want to look into finding a larger venue. There's at least 3 - 4 members of Free Lives that won't be around.

    [Edit] We'll officially start the jam at 8 on Friday.
  • @Tuism Where to sleep this weekend?
  • Personally I'm bringing my sleeping bag, but if time's not THAT much a concern my place is like 10 minutes away :P
  • I mean it wasn't that bad under one of those tented tables last time at GGJ :P
  • I've slept under tables before... #rAge
  • Perhaps we can institute "quiet hours", say between 12am and 7am, where we switch off the music playing on the system? That would make sleeping under the tables pretty doable :) I also just want to confirm that the Joburg event only starts on the Saturday morning, right?
  • edg3 said:
    I have a venue for JHB @ Microsoft Bryanston Offices, I am finalising the details, but I was able to organise from Friday 5PM until Sunday 5PM. There are some important notes:
    So we can have the venue from 5pm Friday, but Ludum Dare starts officially at 9pm EST, which is 3am Saturday, according to time conversion sites. So... What we should do is either sleep earlier and get to MS around 2/3am and start with the rest of the world, or sleep through the first few hours and get to the venue usual morning time...

    What's everyone else doing? XD
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    I'm not going to be able to make it because LevelUp! art classes. Mixed emotions here.
  • My vote would be to start at a more civilized time on Saturday, like 8:30? Also, I feel like we need some way of facilitating the forming of teams. It's all good and well going with people you know and just working with them, but you can do that any day. I think you can find some amazing creative sparks when you pair up people who don't know eachother all that well. Side-note - Artist here, looking for some programmers...
  • Generally when I have entered LD before I have slept till a normal time on Saturday then gotten up and started. A drive in to the offices after thinking about the theme a bit will also help focus on some ideas.
    Thanked by 1DarkRa88iT
  • @Tuism I'm planning on heading to the venue on friday evening, since It's just round the corner from work and I live in Pretoria.
  • Hey guys is the event still on? I sent an email late this morning and was wondering if there will still be space for me. First LD48
  • @jellymann Last time I asked @Tuism to play a game with me at a game jam, this happened. :O

    @slushpuppyZA I'm presuming you're talking about for Joburg? Should be on track - Ernest didn't reply to anyone, he's always quite busy :).
    Thanked by 1Tuism
  • edited
    Sorry it's just I only heard of the competition 2 days ago and only noticed there is something local today. As I said I only sent my email through this morning and it seems the cut off was yesterday so I am not sure now.(I'm talking about joburg)
  • Hey @Tuism's singing ain't bad :P

    What time is everyone going to be there this weekend?
  • @slushpuppyZA You'll definitely be able to be at the venue, I believe. You just won't be able to come and go at weird hours between 11PM and 6AM :).
  • Alright I'm driving from Pretoria and will probably be there between 5 - 7pm. Feeling ready to embarrass myself....
  • Sooooo what's the consensus about when everybody's pitching up at the Joburg event? Saturday morning or tomorrow evening? If we do tomorrow evening we can just sorta setup and chill together (I'll bring some boardgames) while we wait for the event to officially start at 3 am (oh my god...). I might be test-driving the Unreal Engine 4 this weekend, so some time in the evening could be good to start getting familiar with it.
  • I can be there after work on Friday, I'm good with hanging out and boardgaming (playtestingCARTELplaytestingCARTEL), but if we're gonna be up at 3am I'm gonna sleep at 9pm :P

    Most of the guys seem to want to sleep normally and be there at 8:30 in the morning. I'm also fine with that :P

    However I can't stay for monday cos already made plans. ARGH IRONY.
  • @BlackShipsFilltheSky you still have some space for this jammer? Also, you guys starting on the Friday, or Saturday morning? Need to know whether to invest in beer or breakfast :p

    (p.s. donno if I'll actually be drinking, but I couldn't pass up that alliteration opportunity)
  • I'm looking at joining in somewhat "unofficially" playing support and subbing for teams that need a boost.
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