Backface Culling Unity / transparency shaders
What I'm trying to find out is how to get backface culling turned off inside unity.
So that when I have a plane with an alpha texture and a transparent shader applied to it, as the camera sees the other side of the plane it stays visible.
Unity forums are suggesting adding some code to the shader to turn the culling off?
doubling up the faces with the normals facing the other way, which apparently is has less of a performance hit than the culling off option?
There are roughly 20 faces that would be doubled up, or not culled which doesn't seem to be that big a deal in terms of performance, but then again I have no clue.
The second issue is the actual shaders.
The current one that's giving me the effect that I want is: Transparent/Cutout/Soft Edge Unlit, but I don't know how that's going to affect the performance on mobile devices, or if it's even possible to have non mobile shaders work on android devices.
Also, would it be common practice to have all the geometry as one piece (that could only have 1 material) or to have two separate pieces, one that just has a normal mobile diffuse and the second that has the transparency shader?
So to recap:
How do you deal with back face culling, wanting 2 sided objects with one face?
what transparent shaders are best for mobile development?
Thanks in advance.
What I'm trying to find out is how to get backface culling turned off inside unity.
So that when I have a plane with an alpha texture and a transparent shader applied to it, as the camera sees the other side of the plane it stays visible.
Unity forums are suggesting adding some code to the shader to turn the culling off?
doubling up the faces with the normals facing the other way, which apparently is has less of a performance hit than the culling off option?
There are roughly 20 faces that would be doubled up, or not culled which doesn't seem to be that big a deal in terms of performance, but then again I have no clue.
The second issue is the actual shaders.
The current one that's giving me the effect that I want is: Transparent/Cutout/Soft Edge Unlit, but I don't know how that's going to affect the performance on mobile devices, or if it's even possible to have non mobile shaders work on android devices.
Also, would it be common practice to have all the geometry as one piece (that could only have 1 material) or to have two separate pieces, one that just has a normal mobile diffuse and the second that has the transparency shader?
So to recap:
How do you deal with back face culling, wanting 2 sided objects with one face?
what transparent shaders are best for mobile development?
Thanks in advance.
As for the perfomance, I guess you could just build a few prototypes that test the specific shaders and check how they measure up against each other?
The duplicated flipped faces is usually better, because then you can choose which faces you want to be double-sided. But if you're sure that all of the mesh should be double-sided then editing the shader is more convenient, because if you make any changes to the mesh, you don't have to keep making sure that your doubled faces are snapped together. I don't know about this specific shader (I don't have much experience with how the default shaders work), but as far as I know soft edged shaders require rendering a depth pass, which is only (freely) available in deferred rendering. You probably won't be able to use that shader on mobile unfortunately. If you need soft edged transparency, you may be able to work around it using alpha based on fresnel instead of depth. Some things just aren't possible/feasible on mobile though, and if your transparent mesh is intersecting with something else, you'll pretty much always see a hard edged break. I think it'd be better to have only the bits that need transparency using a transparent shader. That way, you decrease the chance of some kind of alpha-sorting issues, and you decrease the expense of rendering the opaque bits.
I'm pretty happy with the double faces, but definitely want to try out the shader options, just to see what happens to performance :)
Just happen to hit this with a Google search on finding the solution myself.
Here is a Unity forum thread that has the solution in with a download link to the shader you would want to use.
The doubling of faces in your mesh is indeed a simple (and selective) solution to the problem, but it's something you should avoid on skinned meshes. The CPU hit per vert for mesh skinning is one of the most expensive things your game will do for animated actors (on mobile - newer versions of Unity support GPU skinning on desktop platforms and some Androids), and if you're going to double that per character, you're going to hurt unnecessarily.
Now, I see this is not the case with your situation, but I thought it important to mention this in the event someone else refers to this thread for other situations. The takeaway: if you're skinning and need to draw backfaces (cloth?), you probably want take the 'hit' on the GPU instead and turn backface culling off in your shader.
I would suggest using these shaders also sparingly as a transparent sorted shader has large overhead costs, but that being said we use it a ton and it works and isn't to much of a hog on iOS platform.
This shows you how to take into account the depth with transparency, and have it tweakable live.
Be warned that different shaders play differently, in a horrible way. a transparent shader infront of a none transparent unsorted shader will disappear from ones view, as it is being drawn on screen, but been drawn behind the object which is actually behind it.
also if you want to use a color override with alphas be careful, as some depth sorting transparent shaders wont allow for this and you end up with popping from visible to invisible.
It will appear under shaders/doubleSided/
// Developed by SIJO STUDIOS Pty Ltd
// Developer: Simon Anderson
// Version: 1.2
Shader "SIJO/doubleSided/Unlit_AlphaCutOff"
_MainTex ("Base (RGB) Trans (A)", 2D) = "white" {}
_ColorTint ("Tint", Color) = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
_Cutoff ("Alpha cutoff", Range (0,1)) = 0.5
Tags { "RenderType" = "Transparent" }
//used for backface culling
Cull Off
// Surface shaders are placed between CGPROGRAM and ENDCG
// - They use #pragma to let unity know its a surface shader
// - Must be in a SubShader block
#pragma surface surf Unlit alphatest:_Cutoff
struct Input
float2 uv_MainTex;
sampler2D _MainTex;
// applies a color tint to the shader
fixed4 _ColorTint;
half4 LightingUnlit(SurfaceOutput s, half3 lightDir, half atten)
return half4(s.Albedo, s.Alpha);
// applies the texture to the UV's
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o)
fixed4 c = tex2D(_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex) * _ColorTint;
o.Albedo = c.rgb;
o.Alpha = c.a;
-Using half for the input UVs
-Using fixed for your lightDir if it is normalized
-Using fixed for the color returned from LightingUnlit
Also know that alpha cutoff is super expensive on TBDR gpus like the PowerVR ones used in iOS devices. If you need it you need it, but it's cheaper to do standard alpha blending if you can.
It basically is a double sided, unlit, transparent shader with color addition and color tinting.
Hope this helps someone out there