The Game Creators?

edited in General
Just saw this, it looks kinda loud so I wonder why I haven't heard of it, looks like a multi-threaded game engine with a million different specialised engines...
Anyone with experience on this? Is it any good?


  • They're not showing off their development environment... seems like a warning sign...
  • I've had some experience with their software - and it's not terrible, it's just not great.

    I just battled with it because it isn't very customizable.
    The language they use is BASIC, which I'm not the biggest fan of.
    Also, even though most of their programs work well with each other, they are not the most cutting edge.

    Take FPS Creator for example, it's pretty cool because it allows very easy scripting, but the game engine itself is locked tight. You can't change most of the features. I think its a great tool to start understanding game dev, but thats about it.
  • I remember FPSCreator back in the day. Didn't some local take the example it came with and try and publish it as a full title?
  • I've used a couple of their tools... Like @duncanbellsa said, they provide some good tools for people that are interested in starting game development, but there is not really the ability to go deeper into your games. Also FPSCreator relies quite heavily on templates, and as such, most games look very similar. And customization is actually quite unpleasant.
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