Truth and Reconciliation Thread

edited in General
I have engaged on topics with too much emotion on frequent occasions.
I have attacked people personally with whom I have not agreed with.
I have reacted in anger to people not seeing my point of view.
I have not taken enough time to provide feedback to other community members.
I feel that MGSA members who's driving passion is not related to game design and making games or prototypes are marginalised on the forums and are made to not feel welcome here.
I believe that MGSA has done more to grow game development in South Africa over the course of the past few years than any other person or thing has.
I believe that MGSA should be the de facto community for everyone interested in game development in South Africa, regardless of what their specific interests or end goals are.
I want to be a more productive member of the MGSA community.
I would like to hear more personal truths from other people on MGSA.

-- Edited to remove targeted comments


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    I am re-opening this thread as it would be a constructive process for us. This is not an opportunity to troll or bash people and with that in mind I would like to thank @angrymoose, @dislekcia for the following rules:

    1. This is a post for the admission of your own failures in how we interact with the community
    2. It must be a list of single points with no explanations (this is simply I messed up, not why you messed up.)
    3. It must also contain some points on what you are going to do going forward.
    4. No mentioning of specific people in posts, focus on your own failings and what you are going to do to make things better.
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    I have not spoken up when I felt things had gone horribly wrong
    I have not interacted enough with the community
    I have not always held myself accountable for the problems we have seen and blamed others
    I had held anger towards members of MGSA and the way they interacted with me
    I didn't take it up with people directly when I didn't agree with how they were conducting themselves
    I have lost my temper with members of the community
    I want MGSA to be the single place for all people who love making games to interact regardless of opinion, focus, or style
    I want MGSA to be a welcoming place that all people who make games regardless of motive to make games or mechanism can share and interact.
    I want to be more of an active participant in the MGSA community
  • - I've not gotten the hang of empathy and sensitivity. I tried as much as I could to understand how some things could hurt other people when they don't hurt me, and I still suck at it.
    - I need to listen more and speak less.
    - I've not played enough prototypes and given enough feedback lately.
    - My balance of meta posting and actual feedback and crit feedback posting is off by a large margin.
    - I've succumbed to wall of texting too many times.
    - I've dropped the ball in contributions towards forum design and such.

    I want this place to be awesome for everyone, and I think that can only be achieved through some measure of control for diversity (not against), and control sucks. I don't know how to strike a balance.
  • - I have been a little bit involved in SAGD forums and quite active on MGSA forums but I have never attended a meetup. Time to see who is behind the profile pics
    - I have sometimes asked personal questions in public such as how much money people earn from their games :P

    I'm not very active in growing MGSA but I do like being active on the forums, giving feedback on people's games etc but I do feel I need to make a plan to attend a meetup or two.
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    - I have engaged in destructive and pointless arguments on these forums, and have played a role in making the arguments more destructive and pointless than they needed to be, and have engaged in these arguments long past the point where any redemption could come from my words.

    - I have sought to diminish the achievements of others in order to make my own arguments seem more valid, instead of applauding their achievements and recognizing the valuable perspective they add to the discussion.

    - I have not listened to or respected the opinion of others at times, instead of seeking to understand their perspective and searching for points of agreement.

    - I have privileged game design considerations over technical programming considerations many times.

    - I have not stood up for members of the community every time I should have. Recently I let someone be criticized to the point of their despair and retreat from this community.

    - I want MGSA to be a place that feels welcoming to game developers of all trades, regions, races and genders. I believe I haven't done enough to effect this in the past.

    - I believe MGSA has been instrumental in a significant amount of opportunity and joy in the South African game development industry, along with the frustrations, and I want to work towards magnifying these positive properties in the future.

    P.S. @Zaphire I want MGSA to be a place where we can connect and share normally private information (like how much we earn), and trust each other that we will use the information to benefit the community. I hope we can all be open with each other, as I believe we'll collectively be stronger for it, and if we are not open right now, I hope we can work towards forming that trust.
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    - I started off by thinking the TRC was "kinda dumb" before understanding that it's a pretty important ritual in the new culture we want to promote

    - I have attempted to push a philosophy upon the community that I've not yet consistently embodied. My failures have included ignoring other people's concerns, singling out individuals, dipping into shame as a currency and being far too permissive of the sort of toxicity which has by now grievously harmed some.

    - I want to go forward seeking a balance of the strength necessary to be an active, positive force within the community, while exercising the humility required to not be an oppressive, controlling or disrespectful individual

    - I want to let others educate me, in hopes of eventually learning enough to become a real example for others
  • I have on countless occasions engaged with people from a place of emotion and not a place of understanding.

    I did not consider people's true motives and mostly only assumed the worst intentions.

    I got involved in discussions where I felt I needed to defend people and actually made things worse.

    I'm a poor communicator at best, and always assume that others understand my point of view.

    I have placed people in boxes based on first impressions without considering the contributions made by individuals.

    I have gravitated too much towards meta discussions and have not provided enough support to the community.

    I want to continue improving how I communicate with people online and IRL and learn to see people as people and not just actors on the stage around me.
  • I don't give nearly enough feedback on prototypes people post looking for feedback.
  • I've been indecisive about confessing here.
    I've been possessive of the community and aggressively defensive when I disagree with others.
    I've been envious and dismissive of other people's success running events for the benefit of the community.
    I've given up and dissociated myself from the community and social media during, arguably, it's greatest struggles.
    I've avoided heated discussions on the forums but eagerly told others my opinion via private messages.
  • - I can be too sharp and sarcastic, especially when I lose patience. And in text, that can come across a lot more dickish than I intend.
    - I probably lose patience too easily. :P
    - Crunching for so long on SC has left me too tired to contribute meaningfully to MGSA. I mostly lurk. I'd like to change that.
    - What contributions I have made have been a little too skewed toward arguing.
  • - I have a morbid fascination with the meta arguments that happen on MGSA, and spend more time on them than I should, rather than contributing where it matters
    - I let myself get way too worked up about what happens here
    - I skim walls of text, so my contributions to discussion often miss nuances from previous posts
    - I have made assumptions about people's intentions that I could have clarified in PM before posting
    - I don't play prototypes that people post
    - I am in absolute awe of those of you able to quickly churn out prototypes. I have been building Big Things since before Unity "democratized" gamedev and I'm envious that I missed starting out gamedev that way.

    - I think MGSA can and should be a fantastic place for everyone that develops games in SA
    - I want to spend more time at least giving prototypes a quick playthrough
    - One day I want to pluck up the courage to actually try my hand at a prototype jam

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