[Comp G] Falling Sands Factory
Aaaa, why is it not the 10th?
Falling Sands Factory is a game using physics where you need to channel sand down to the bottom of the level. Only tool at the players' disposal is a conveyor belt, not really sure about much else at this point, thinking about adding special items that make the level segments a bit more interesting. I don't think I will be able to finish this in time for the deadline.

Download link to Windows build.
Falling Sands Factory is a game using physics where you need to channel sand down to the bottom of the level. Only tool at the players' disposal is a conveyor belt, not really sure about much else at this point, thinking about adding special items that make the level segments a bit more interesting. I don't think I will be able to finish this in time for the deadline.

Download link to Windows build.
Maybe in future when the level is bigger than the screen,before the player is let loose; make the camera pan over the whole level so they know there's more then