[Comp G] Primitive Space
right so I've decided to try enter one of these again
currently going with a side scrolling shooter
final game to have 3 ship types (square, circle, triangle) and the same for weapon types
with ships and weapons being interchangeable, with the ship body having specific effects on the weapon.
All shape weapons will conform to the same rules more or less.
All circle projectiles will be target AOE bombs with no collision for example.
The only exception might be beams if I include them.
web link : https://skinklizzard.itch.io/primitive-space

so I didn't quite make it so the web link from last update will have to suffice
late build still not finished but with all 3 ships is also available for download
currently going with a side scrolling shooter
final game to have 3 ship types (square, circle, triangle) and the same for weapon types
with ships and weapons being interchangeable, with the ship body having specific effects on the weapon.
All shape weapons will conform to the same rules more or less.
All circle projectiles will be target AOE bombs with no collision for example.
The only exception might be beams if I include them.
web link : https://skinklizzard.itch.io/primitive-space

so I didn't quite make it so the web link from last update will have to suffice
late build still not finished but with all 3 ships is also available for download
no end goal or death penalty but you can blast away at the randomly spawned
enemies that consist of 2 types, and try to not explode.
web link here: https://skinklizzard.itch.io/primitive-space
controls - WASD to move, left mouse to fire
next up
- more enemy types (worms, lasers, kamikaze, fighters, railguns)
- remaining body and weapon types (square and triangle)
- non randomised level of sorts with a boss thing of sorts
I did add a download though for the current build if anyone wants to check it out
I will hopefully finish this when I'm done with my masters thesis