[Comp G] Rolling Thunder
Rolling Thunder, Pipe Rider, Phonic Siphon, Sonic Spheroid, beats orb pipe?
I don’t know… names are hard.
score attack game where you guide a ball along a pipe to some sweet beats. Think Proun+Audiosurf. Each music track would serve as a level with it’s own scoreboard. So I hope some (or all) of you music gurus would like to get involved :D
Some thoughts so far:
pickups increases your score multiplier and speed.
colliding with an obstacle resets your multiplier and reduces speed.
score is calculated each tick by multiplying pickup multiplier and speed multiplier.
the pipe and its obstacles are procedurally generated from music tracks.
lots of pulsing along with the music.
I don’t know… names are hard.
score attack game where you guide a ball along a pipe to some sweet beats. Think Proun+Audiosurf. Each music track would serve as a level with it’s own scoreboard. So I hope some (or all) of you music gurus would like to get involved :D
Some thoughts so far:
pickups increases your score multiplier and speed.
colliding with an obstacle resets your multiplier and reduces speed.
score is calculated each tick by multiplying pickup multiplier and speed multiplier.
the pipe and its obstacles are procedurally generated from music tracks.
lots of pulsing along with the music.

1239 x 601 - 148K
Thanked by 1konman
Instead of waiting for a musician to join (in case that was your plan), you could grab a royalty-free or public domain track from the net and get started testing the mechanics on a bit of that.
Also, maybe try generate the levels by hand for the first build, and then add in the procedurally-generating algorithm a bit later. This way you don't spend time on making an algorithm for mechanics that aren't fun cause you've already tested them :)
EDIT: almost forgot, you should definitely check out some videos of Thumper:
I want to keep it as manageable as possible, get all the mechanics sorted out fast and then spend most of the time on polish. I have not put any sound in yet, so far I have just wrote the pipe generator, which currently only generates a random infinite pipe. I like to code things, doing things by hand is heresy ;P
I'll add some pictures of the pipe so far on the OP
Thumper looks awesome! love the sense of speed Thumper and Proun have, going to try to achieve something similar.
I'm going to try to get a playable build up sometime during this week. I still hopeful for some music ;)
One suggestion is twist the camera a tiny bit based on direction you're turning the pipe. Give a bit more feels to the twisting right now that doesn't look as interesting as everything else. Play around with your Field of View to get those jumps in speed of the ball. Basically play around with your camera.
I'd like to feel the ball's velocity and change in "angle" and not feeling so static. I'm not sure are you twisting the pipe or rotating the ball around the pipe?
I wanna play. :D
What I can also do is just make the curvature more drastic on the shader. I actually had it like that, but when you went over a "hill" on the pipe it was hard to see what is on its way. I will probably end up making the amount of curvature depend on the intensity of music.
I love the idea to change the field of view to emphasize speed. I will definitely play around with it some more. And maybe a touch of screen shake :P I am rotating the pipe :P
Thing to do next:
-Improved obstacle spawning
If you don't mind me asking what did you use to get the audio data ? Was it audiosource.GetSpectrumData() or GetOutputData() or AudioClip.GetData() ?
I want to have my particles move to the beat and I have it working quite nicely with GetSpectrumData() but when I set the volume to zero I dont get any spectrum data anymore.
I was using AudioSource.GetSpectrumData() wasn't even aware that turning down the volume would do that. Thanks for the heads up :) If I solve it some other way I'll let you know.
This looks really great! :D I personally find it a bit weird that you seem to come to a dead stop even though the music's continuing. (i.e. you seem to stop when there's no beat, but there may still be other sounds happening elsewhere in the spectrum.) Maybe your speed could be a result of reading from a few different ranges in the spectrum, with different weights that bias heavily toward when there's a beat? (I don't know if that'd be confusing, given that you'd have to be listening for a whole lot more than just a beat. Alternatively, maybe it'd feel better if the slowest speed was capped so that you're still moving (slowly). Or my intuition could be wrong here. :P)
I already changed it so there is always minimum movement. The way I did it is to group up parts of the spectrum, and then different things are moving due to different parts of the spectrum, that is why is is sometimes a bit weird. the actuall forward
A big problem I am still having is the one Kobus brought up. When using get GetSpectrumData from the audio source, volume changes the outcome. changing the volume on the listener instead of the source still has the same effect. only thing that seems to work is to lock the in game volume and force players to change the system volume, which really is not ideal. @Kobusvdwalt9 did you find another solution?
Interestingly though in Cluster I used AudioSource.GetOutputData() to move my blocks around and it seems to work independent of the audio but when I tried it in my Comp G game it didn't work. Maybe unity changed something between 4 and 5 that broke this.