Gaming -indie, Tech ect website made in South Africa!

Hello guys Im trying to grow the Economy and attention and popularity of Gaming and Tech in South Africa!
My website:
I really need you guys to support me and help it grown for it has grown but could use more!
I thank you all and Drop a email to me if you want some FREE advertising [because money is a bitch]
Also let me know what you think and please, please support little old me and ill try my best to make you guys proud!


  • edited
    Question: What are you doing to get traffic and who do you see reading your site, what's your target audience?

    I only ask because any traffic from here is going to be pretty negligible, I'm afraid :( - That doesn't mean people here won't go, just that even if everyone does, it's still not that significant. What are you going to do to differentiate yourself from the HTXTs and the like in the local web space?
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