Anyone know of a good free engine to create 2D games for Android?

edited in Tutorials
I'm new here and I've been routing around for engines but they either require a couple hundred dollars to sell your game or to sell it on Android. I'm looking for one that allows me to create directly to Android for free. Can anyone help?


  • Doesn't the free version of #unity include andriod?
  • Yes it does. And you can make some really cool stuff with it too!

    I havent yet made an android build but will soon for SokoBomber.
  • What ever engine you use, you'll need to fork out the $25 or whatever it currently is to put your game on the Google Play store, otherwise you have basically zero chance of selling your game. Don't worry about that though until you've got something worth selling.

    If you want to make fairly simple games, the MIT App Inventor is a really easy to use drag and drop interface that does everything from creating, compiling, loading apps onto your phone, to putting your apps onto the Play store. You should definitely give it a try if you've never made anything for Android. It doesn't really have many limits, from what I've seen, but the whole drag and drop thing gets very slow and frustrating if you want to do anything even slightly complicated.

    Long term, using something like Unityis probably your best option, as it does 2D games really well, and you can target a variety of platforms. Also, there are a lot of Unity users in this community, so it's pretty easy to get help if you need it.
  • Hi I though I would add this for some reference.
    This is an amazing Unity 2D tutorial, you have to pay, but it is totally worth it.

    Cocos is also able to export for multiple platforms including Android.

    Good luck.
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    The following book will show you how to build yr own version of Libgdx from scratch and use it to build 3 games. A snake game, A platformer game and 3d asteroids at the end. This is a complete book that will teach you all elements of game engine architecture, you may read it ones and then jump to libgdx. Here is the download link...
  • Abode AIR is another option. But I'd only recommend it if you already have significant Actionscript 3 (the language used by flash and AIR) experience.
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    May be worth taking a look at Project Anarchy, it's a free full sdk and engine for android, released and supported by Havok. It's free for android, iOS and Tizen (no clue what "Tizen" is), exporting to pc requires a $500 license.

    More info at:
  • cocos2d-x is great for simple sprite-based games. It's got a very active community, and the source is freely available if you want to get your hands dirty.
  • I know this is really late but LibGDX is great, maybe not the easiest to use but quite powerful especially in terms of performance
  • I agree with Lwazi. LIBGDX is great and the documentation is up to date!
  • Have you tried Torque 2D ... it has now also been released under MIT and has a shed load of updates and work done on it.

    It is licensed under MIT.
  • I am starting to learn Basic 4 Android, using libGDX for game dev.

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