A great space for Perfruor Gaming

edited in General
Howz'it everyone!

I am one of the founders of Perfruor Gaming and often our week nights and weekends are taken up by our projects.

The name perfruor has many meanings in Latin, 'Enjoy to the full' is however the most popular.
That is Perfruor Gaming's aim!

We are in the process of designing an action packed party game for adults, that challenges players to outperform and outlast one another by their actions, comments and performances - Last Man Standing.

Perfruor Gaming have educational children projects parked for next year (2014), projects include story puzzles and association to numbers, letters, etc.

The games in which we are designing will include board games and mobile/tablet apps.

So, talent will be of interest to us...
We too would like to share our projects as they develop!

Thank you for your time :-)



  • Welcome to the forums! Nice to see more board and physical games :)

    What are you looking to get out of participating in the community? Usually we're good at things like playtesting and design feedback.
  • edited
    Thanks dislekcia!

    "What are you looking to get out of participating in the community?" There is some amazing talent here in the community and that is something of interest to us. We will have a space on our site where new skills are needed, i.e. art drawings for board games.

    Perfruor Gaming puzzle stories will require unique drawings for children to connect with.

    We too would like to share the work/projects we are busy with, hopefully it will create awareness to our products. I don't believe, from research, SA games are fully exposed - maybe this is the platform, maybe it isn't?

    Your mention on play testing and design feedback is of interest, can you provide more information to this?
    How do you get involved and what is the process?

  • Okay, so that sounds like a few things that you're hoping to get out of the community. Potential hires, exposure and possibly playtesting.

    I'll get back to potential hires in a sec, but I'd like to quickly address exposure first. The short version is that this probably isn't a great place to hope for exposure - yes, a few media people do watch these forums every once in a while, but you'd be much better served by any sort of marketing that targeted at your actual user group... Unless of course your user group is game developers, in which case you're in the right spot ;)

    So, hiring people is trickier and mostly relies on people being aware of what each other are doing: Yes, you can approach people whose work you see on the forums, but you need to post your own work/projects too so that people can gauge if they're keen to work with you. Right now this tends to be a passion-driven career locally, it's the only way we all get over the reduced pay that comes with trying to grow a game from nothing.

    Playtesting comes from the same place: Post what you're working on and people will give you their feedback. We call this sort of thing "open development" and it's been shown to have the best track record as a game development approach so far. Yes, even boardgames - people can print them out and play them with their friends. Often this is the best chance you get at having dedicated, understanding groups of players approach your game in a way that isn't you watching over them like a hawk. It's wonderfully helpful in terms of making whatever you're working on better.

    And this is usually where people start saying "But if I post things here for people to just download for free then they'll just steal it all/nobody will buy my game when it's done" or some variation on that theme. That's a common misconception and really not likely to happen. The biggest problem your game will face is getting out to enough people, there's an almost infinite audience out there and limiting the amount of feedback you're able to get during the game's formative phases to somehow "protect" it from a sales perspective just doesn't make sense.

    But yeah, I see you've already posted a thread about what you're working on. Have you got any videos of it in action or a ruleset people can get their teeth into?
  • Thank you for the response dislekcia!

    Exposure can also mean awareness to our projects - not by just attracting talent but show casing our up and coming projects.

    Thank you for your advice on hiring people – it seems as if there is a lot of great talent here and in the near future I am hoping our projects will be of interest to those talents. Starting somewhere by getting people to know a bit more about Perfruor Gaming is possibly a good start (like you mentioned).

    Now that I understand the ‘playtesting’ better, I have to be honest, our current project, Last Man Standing, has gone through many years of improvements and it is ready for manufacturing (November this year our first order goes in). Having said that, we are going to do an app and there are other projects we would be open for playtesting.

    Thank you again!
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