A new OCremix album for Gunstar Heroes' 20th Anniversary

edited in General
I don't know if you guys remember Gunstar Heroes. It was one of my fondest memories, and probably the top reason I could still be proud that I had a Megadrive instead of a SNES. It was like the best thing ever, and continues to be inspiring today (look at zX:Hyperblaset ;) ).

Today is GSH's 20th Anniversary and Overclock Remix has put out a remix album called Be Aggressive to relive the nostalgia :) It's completely free like everything else they do and the torrent is blazing fast (if excessively big), but I imagine it's well worth it for a trip down remixed memory lane! :D


I mean, who can not love this? :D

OCremix seems interesting, I haven't heard of it till now, they're a community of oldschool game music remixers, and regularly put out albums. Sounds AMAZING :D


  • Cool stuff! I don't remember the Gunstar music but the remix concept is great and will definitely check the OCremix site out
  • I found out about OCRemix from the outtros to Extra Credits. They're super awesome. They've got an internet radio station too that I sometimes listen to, that sometimes plays chiptunes.
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