I built this 2 weeks ago and showed it off at Amaze. People seemed to like it.
The game is pretty simple, 2 teams compete to get the ball through the goals (electric fields).
The first team to score 3 goals wins.

Each player has their own gravity which pulls in the direction of the last surface they hit.
The game supports up to 8 players, with each player using half a gamepad.
There are also keyboard controls available if you don't have any gamepads.
You can check out the webplayer here.
I'm pretty happy with how the prototype turned out, but I'm not sure what direction to go in next.
Special thanks to @TheFuntastic for the inspired name as well as all of the Wits students who helped me make the vid :)
The game is pretty simple, 2 teams compete to get the ball through the goals (electric fields).
The first team to score 3 goals wins.

Each player has their own gravity which pulls in the direction of the last surface they hit.
The game supports up to 8 players, with each player using half a gamepad.
There are also keyboard controls available if you don't have any gamepads.
You can check out the webplayer here.
I'm pretty happy with how the prototype turned out, but I'm not sure what direction to go in next.
Special thanks to @TheFuntastic for the inspired name as well as all of the Wits students who helped me make the vid :)

"The scoring is hilarious. Rocket mode, wooo!"
"I couldn't resist taking a look and fuck me that's brilliant. Please tell me the game has similar music as well."
"Oh man! I'm now playing it "Brothers" style, but on keyboard, with 2 wangs, and I'm actually doing pretty okay!"
I'll probably go with one of the bottom ones.
If you have any alternative design ideas, I'd love to see them!
If you would like to buy one please post on this thread or PM me and I'll put one aside for you.
I like top-left-most. I like the bottom two left also, but think they'd be better on black.
Wang Commander.
A gentlemen's game.
Loosing the possessive " 's " makes it a game with many gentlemen (wangs), while being for everyone (not a game for only gentlemen). It will make people think when they notice that the plural/possessive is wrong.
Otherwise my English is flawed or I am over-thinking it, please ignore me.
"Fun for the whole family"
But I am a fan of "A Gentleman's game"
I also think the game should have a Romance Novel cover.
It should be two guys though. Or three?
Also as for t-shirts: as much as I love the twang ones, I think the pile-o-wangs is more in keeping with the game. So top left FTW.
Dick Forearam?
You got Wang!
I am willing to pay for Wang Commander. I can play it and have the little one listen to classical music at the same time
Tell him the option for putting a handlebar mustache on a Wang would be nice...
When he says 'the little one' he means his newborn daughter. Personally I think that's a fantastic way to start her upbringing: fluorescent dildos. ^.^
@WelshPixie you are wonderful.
I genuinely feel that Wang Commander is a great game for kids.
I think it show's that it's okay for 2 penises to touch. It's no big deal.
It also dis-empowers penises.