The SCND Genesis: Legends

edited in Projects
Hello Everyone, it’s been a while.

It’s no secret that my current game project is in Development hell, clearly documented on this very forum. For the past year or so really I took a break from game development in general.

Upon deciding to get back in I decided to visit my original project Legends. I began this project in 2011 while at college. I released it on Sourceforge, Softpedia, Ubuntu and an obscure Java site racking up North of 11,000 downloads over the years. I stopped working on it in early 2012.

The main reason for revisiting this title to regain motivation to work on its sequel (my current project). I wanted to see what kind of experience I got off playing it after all these years. Strangely enough, it felt fairly good. As a matter of fact, I’d say it’s aged quite well, especially considering the environment it was created in.

Long story short I decided to spruce up the title and make an "Enhanced Edition" if you will. Primarily to clean up the code to be of real use to the public domain and also to revisit how and most importantly WHY I originally got into game development. I feel it was worthwhile exercise and the new version can be downloaded on here.

The games source code is also available on Github if you’re into that kind of thing.

An excerpt from a blog post discussing my motivations for this exercise in much more detail is quoted below. If you are so inclined you can read the full post on Medium.
Every once in a while, I’d dive in but I would quickly get bummed out and leave the project in limbo. During one of those "dive-in" sprees I found myself spending a lot of time on MakegamesSA. Thanks to the community over there I soon realized that I had spent most of my time creating a game engine and not an actual game.
A view screen-grabs:

As for my current project? Not much to say other than it’s still a WIP and that it runs flawlessly on GL4 Desktops and on Android ES3 devices.

Id love to get your thoughts on this project. Despite it being done I always appreciate new feedback and ideas.


  • To be honest, it hasn't really grabbed me, largely because of the visuals. I'm not particularly into anime or manga, and it looked a lot like the Flash art that I'd played for a long time (and since moved on from) that was super popular on Newgrounds and similar sites.

    The fact that you did so much all on your own is quite a feat though!

    I'm sorry for being pretty unhelpful!
    Thanked by 1SubiyaCryolite
  • To be honest, it hasn't really grabbed me, largely because of the visuals. I'm not particularly into anime or manga, and it looked a lot like the Flash art that I'd played for a long time (and since moved on from) that was super popular on Newgrounds and similar sites.

    The fact that you did so much all on your own is quite a feat though!

    I'm sorry for being pretty unhelpful!
    No worries. I’ve noticed through several reviews and observations that the art style has no middle ground: its either love or hate. Apart from getting better at line art and animation there’s not much I can do about that as my goal is to match my comic 1:1
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