Would like to know your opinion : BoomBrain

edited in Projects

Just finished my latest IOS game called BoomBrain.
It would be awesome if you could give me some feedback on it.


[Oh ja , and its free :-) ]



  • edited
    After two year of putting this on the back burner, here is the update for those interested.


    I have learned that inApp purchases dos not work that great , so im now experimenting with adverts.
  • Yo, welcome back! I don't have an iOS device, so can't try the game, but just looking at the iTunes page I think your issue is probably not your monetization. From reading the copy and looking at the screenshots on the page, I have almost no idea what the game is actually about, and the screenshots are not enticing me to give it a try. I would suggest you either work on improving your page, or starting on some other small projects and coming back later when you've learnt a bit more. I would recommend the latter, but that might not align with your personal goals.
  • Thanks Francois for your input, I will change the copy and screen shots and see what happens and then post back on the results of this experiment :-)
  • I too struggled to picture what the game is about from the store page description, some gameplay screenshots would be useful and a video would be wonderful. Did manage to find a screenshot of the game on Google and the presentation looks very nice.

  • May i know how many downloads you get perday only from apple store?
  • @critic Thanks man, with the next update Ill ad screenshots that makes sense.
    Thanked by 1critic
  • Well at the moment about 10 per day , mainly from the US and a little bit from China. When I released 2 years ago I got about 75 average per day , but I had to pull it when they released the iphone6 and 6plus because of screen issues.
  • Thanks guys for all your input. I have added a video preview per device , changed the description and also supplied more relevant screenshots. Ive also got a lot of feedback that the game was too difficult to figure out so I made it more simple. Thanks again :-)
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    Well , its day three and no downloads on the app store.

    That is why I love development as a whole. It teaches you how to take on challenges. Its like "Am I going to give up or am I going to set a small goal and then achive it".

    So my goal today is to use only my computer to generate a single download.

    Will give feedback on my progress.

    Long live game development !!! (Mic gets dropped) ;-)
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