Vortex VR Lounge

Vortex is a company that recently opened a VR lounge in Melrose Arch, Johannesburg and with another one is set to open in SunCity. While the VR lounges are essentially high-end arcades, where anyone can come in and try out some of the machines, part of the business is also targeted towards corporations i.e. architectural visualisations.

I spoke with the managing director and they seem very open to collaborating with the local games industry, some of the things they have planned are virtual art galleries and mini VR gaming competitions.
There is also a desire to develop their own games and their looking for local companies to work with here aswell.

So if anyone wants to host events, collaborate or get their content on these machines you can contact
Joseph Alexander - joseph.alexander@vortexofafrica.com
4160 x 3120 - 3M
4160 x 3120 - 3M
4160 x 3120 - 4M
3120 x 4160 - 3M
4160 x 3120 - 4M
4160 x 3120 - 4M
Thanked by 2Tuism SUGBOERIE


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