Company List change sugestion

I have been thinking about an alternative to the sticky post we have for businesses. Currently the list is focused on businesses that do outsources projects I would like to suggest a few changes. I don't plan to delete the sticky post, just suggesting some improvements.

Can we enable tables in the forums. The list is cumbersome and a table would allow us to make it more readable (and look cooler).

Business Discussions and Category
I would like to suggest each business creates a post about themselves that we can link from the main post. Websites are great but it would be awesome to have a space for discussions feedback and comments per business in the forums. We would then link these posts from the list. This means you can then maintain your business information yourselves and the list becomes less of a bottle neck keeping information up to date. We can either use the Portfolios category for this or we could create a new category for these posts. My preference is a new category (Companies) because anyone could click that category on the list and get only those posts.

Not just outsourcing
With the new list I would like to suggest we include any and all businesses in the industry (of course at their request as we work now). This can then become a source for journalists as well as potential customers. If we can do tables, a column indicating if the company does outsourcing would be included.

Naturally we could do a lot more with this aspect of the forums, but working with what we have available now, this feels like a good next step.


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