Making life easier for YouTubers

edited in General
So basially straight copy pasta from my blag
We all love YouTube, well most of the time, they’re latest policy changes make us not like them that much. But as a game developer we love YouTubers <3

Seriously those guys are all sorts of win. With working on zX we have seen the value that they can provide to a developer. We have gotten more votes on Greenlight from YouTubers then press sites. I do say this with the slight sadness that videos are seeming to usurp the power of the written word, but then I was suppose to write this post some two hours ago, but I ended up watching YouTube.

As great as the written words is seeing your game be played is utterly invaluable. I tried to summarize Evan Greenwood’s excellent talk at Amaze JHB this year. There is immense value in these videos! And I really like watching them. So with the recent copyright issues that have been going around I thought it would be appropriate to create a little page outlining permissions for YouTubers so that they won’t have to deal with these pain in the ass copyright claims. They are doing really great things for gaming and games in general. And I think we owe it to them to make it as easy as we can for them to promote games!

So the ‘policy’ which I wrote up can be found here but I'll paste them here and open the comments so that they can possibly be refined into a general case license to put on our sites/games so that people needn’t worry about creating videos with our games

The following allows YouTubers or other creators of: lets plays, video reviews, video critiques, video streams, or any other such content:

1: To record footage of the game, or use any trailers in their videos

2: Explicit permission to create videos using our games, and to monetize them.

3: Explicit permission to use the music and audio from the game for these videos. This may be excluded by point 4.

4: If a game has licensed audio that you may not use we shall take appropriate notice that you shouldn’t use it in your video. (Fortunately we make our own music so this shouldn’t have to be a worry)

5: You have permission to use the game music on its own in these videos. If you want any specific tracks you can email us.


So anything you guys would recommend adding / changing to make YTers lives easier?

Also I am doing this to encourage other people adopt a similar stance :)


  • edited
    Some slight notes to add to this:

    You can add your game to Lets Play Indie Games

    And Rami has update Presskit() —it's now at version 2.0!— which enables a notification for monetization that you can add to each game's data.xml though you are best off reading Rami's post for details on that
  • I was reading through the FAQ for Starbound earlier today (which I found through watching a Let's Play on YouTube, of course), which has a YouTube Permissions section. They had a couple points there which stood out for me. Firstly, they ask YouTubers to link back to their site or any online store selling the game, and secondly, they require that you ask for specific permission to use the soundtrack outside of gameplay videos.

    Obviously that second point should be up to whoever did the music, but I think asking YouTubers to include a link is a good idea.
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